why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce

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why did diane and mr peanutbutter divorce

The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. In the meat locker, Pickles asks how much longer they have to continue working with Joey. Diane tries to bring up Captain Peanutbutter again when she's in bed with Mr. Peanutbutter, telling him he should talk to his brother because something is going on with him. In The Amelia Earhart Story, Princess Carolyn sits in front of the house and garage, both of which are depleted and long abandoned, in her car. In Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos, in a flashback from 1993, Mr. Peanutbutter is inside the closet of his new home, dressed as a hippie. BoJack takes a selfie outside of the Capital building and posts it on Instagram, and the first comment is from Mr. Peanutbutter telling him to turn around. Pickles and Joey then argue about who's at fault. Mr. Peanutbutter did so mostly out of vanity, even though he actually liked Woodchuck's policies, but eventually dropped out and endorsed Woodchuck. Either Diane refused to take Mr Peanutbutter's money because she wants to be independent and would see it as a sign of weakness or she wanted to be able to maintain a good relationship with him afterwards and felt that if he had to send her a check every month, that wasn't going to happen. Wanda green lights the show, Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Diane then calls Mr. Peanutbutter on the phone and he sounds excited to hear from her. In 2007, he wore a blue and red "Swan Dutch" hat, a black Ed Hardy-style t-shirt with a design on the front that included a dog skull over crossbones with the words "Fetch, Sit, Stay" in it, grey-blue acid-washed jeans, olive green sneakers, and three bracelets, a pink, red, and neon green bracelet respectively, on his left wrist. As he and Mr. Peanutbutter leave Princess Carolyn's office, Todd suggests he and Maude go on a double date with Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles. Mr. Peanutbutter naively believes Todd is actually there to apply to be his personal driver and hires Todd after an impromptu interview. He approaches a rhino smoking a cigarette and tries to get in his face, and he tries his cigarette away. Diane, while pretending to be the thermostat, tells Mr. Peanutbutter not to talk so much. That last part is key because, for Mr. Peanutbutter, he isn't meeting and dating these women because they have common interests (besides not having kids, he and Diane have little in common),. His brother then informed Mr. Peanutbutter that he arranged for her to be sent to a farm in the country in order for her to run around with no internet or telephones. Mr. Peanutbutter goes on to say that he loves the meme where the boyfriend is looking at another lady and the girlfriend turns to him with an expression of tremendous pain asking how could a man who claims to love her betray her, saying that its a very sad meme. However, J.D. Mr. Peanutbutter storms off during the commercial break, unsure as to whether he should forgive BoJack. When they enter the house, Pickles tries to turn on the lights by yelling Lights On!," but before she can, Mr. Peanutbutter interrupts her and tells her that what hes about to confess is so shameful he can only do it under the cover of shadow. He says they are both two equally accomplished book writers. This starts an argument where Mr. Peanutbutter says that at least no one in his family has anger issues, saying that Pickles father Franco is "a hothead with a little pug complex," and that her mother more than likely provokes him on purpose, suggesting that they get off on it. In the first episode, which takes place in 2014, Diane is hired to ghostwrite BoJack's autobiography. Diane says she probably lost her wallet. After abandoning their first idea of a Halloween store during January, Mr. Peanutbutter throws a large launch party for "Smoodies" (a mood you can drink) at his house without an actual product behind the idea. Diane returns and is now looking for the owner of a blue Tesla. Mr. Peanutbutter reassures him he won't screw it up. Later, Pickles and Joey finish having sex in the meat locker. Diane and BoJack have always had a special, if also complicated, relationship, and with Diane's relationship with Mr. Peanutbutter perpetually on the fritz, season 4 might be the time they. Mr. Peanutbutter casually tells Princess Carolyn, that the cast and crew hate him since word got out that he cheated on his fianc. Fritz escapes by jumping out the window. At least that's the way I think of it. Meanwhile, at MBN, Pinky reveals he got promoted to head of programming, as Wanda left MBN and got hired by another network and moved to Detroit. Salinger, accidentally gets in a conference call with Diane and Princess Carolyn, and BoJack and Ana, with the latter two, are in New York when Princess Carolyn meant to put him on hold. In the 90s he had a tuft of wavy hair. Joey then talks about boarding his plane alone to go on tour and says his gate number so he doesn't forget it as he leaves. Diane felt pressured to act like she loved parties and socializing and to live up to his "fun" ex-wives, insisting to Mr. Peanutbutter she was having fun when he asked if she was OK. While Mr. Peanutbutter is able to go into great detail while expressing himself to Diane, Diane has trouble doing so. After Sassy goes to bed, the real Fritz shows up and cocks his gun at Philbert, and then threatens to shoot Sassy. Gina's eyes are watery and bloodshot, and she has dark red bruises around her neck. When Mr. Peanutbutter hears her crying from downstairs he decides to go talk to her and runs upstairs while everyone except Princess Carolyn, Todd, and Ruthie quickly leave the house. A drunk Pickles goes up to Diane and tells Diane that it's okay if she's jealous because she's definitely not jealous of her. However, Joey brings up that he heard people who seem happy are the most depressed. Diane even outright says this to him, advising him to actually go to auditions, and get a new agent. When Princess Carolyn tries to leave, Mr. Peanutbutter asks her if she wants to keep hanging out, and pitches her movie ideas inspired by greeting cards. In his drug-induced hallucination BoJack walks through the set when he's once again transported to the empty set and golden staircase he saw earlier. Upon learning of this, BoJack decides to hire Character Actress Margo Martindale to stage a bank robbery to steal Diane's engagement ring when she and Mr. Peanutbutter are set to go to the bank, hoping to cause a rift between them by taking away a symbol of their relationship. The two decide since they're both going they'll carpool in his limo. In The Horny Unicorn, at VIM, Princess Carolyn and Judah are preparing BoJack for the interview and telling him what to say when Mr. Peanutbutter walks in and asks BoJack to mention Birthday Dad in his interview and to welcome him to the MBN Thursday night family. Diane goes inside Mr. Peanutbutter's office, which is filled with ball-pit balls, which Mr. Peanutbutter explains is because he recalled her wishing she had a ballroom as a child (although she tries to correct him, he jumps in before she can finish). He tells Sassy to get dressed so they can get to the bottom of this because this times it's "personnel.". However, his model helicopter crashed into the water tower, on the set of former VJ Downtown Julie Brown's new puppet show. Todd and Emily pitch "Cabracadabra," a rideshare app that provides a safe space for women, to Mr. Peanutbutter in Stop the Presses. Mr. Peanutbutter tries to be tough with them, shoving them into some trash cans, but actually cures them of their ailments. Eventually, he goes back to the upstairs bedroom not noticing BoJack, Ruthie, Princess Carolyn or Diane, and asks Pickles if she wants whip cream with her drink, not realizing that Pickles was actually in the bathroom and wearing headphones. He dates and later marries Diane Nguyen, although the two get a divorce in Season 5. Thinking he was nominated, BoJack throws a huge party, where he ends up crashing the Tesla he gets from the Oscars into his pool. He has one brother, Captain Peanutbutter, who is five minutes older. Pickles excitedly says she has to go and gives Mr. Peanutbutter a final hug and kiss thanking him for everything before running off. Diane then says they are all trying their best. Mr. Peanutbutter, the star of Mr. Peanutbutter's House, is an adult male yellow Labrador Retriever, who is BoJack Horseman's friend and former sitcom rival. BoJack asks if he's supposed to say "personal," but Flip says that's cliched and clarifies that it's "personnel," not "personal." Mr. Peanutbutter then announces that the "D" in the Hollywood sign will be replaced. Paige questions about the boy. He can be very headstrong and heavily opinionated at times especially in a heated argument to the point of being borderline defensive. Mr. Peanutbutter confesses that he does feel guilty but before he could say why Pickles interrupts him saying that he must feel guilty because BoJack is in rehab and he quickly agrees with her. Mr. Peanutbutter is upset by this news and asks Captain Peanutbutter if he's sure everything will be OK. Captain Peanutbutter tells him "one day [Mr. Peanutbutter] will have to be the captain." On the set of Birthday Dad, Mr. Peanutbutter is filming a scene and he gets his lines wrong. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her she should, so that she can feel good about herself and because some space may be good for them at the moment. After this, he calls Diane and tells her he's really proud of her that she's in Cordovia doing great things. Mr. Peanutbutter suggests to Pickles they go home, but Pickles wants to go to another party after they go home and change costumes. BoJack tells her he's on the phone, and Diane timidly apologizes and walks away. He tells Diane that he keeps taking amazing women and ruining them. Instead, he gets cheered, for keeping them informed. In The Dog Days Are Over, Diane wanders around Vietnam taking pictures and eating food. BoJack brings this up but denies to Diane he wants to talk about it. She refuses to give them candy because they are too old to be trick or treating and too young to attend the adult Halloween party. However, he does leave her alone multiple times to talk to and party with the other guests, with Katrina becoming more upset and angry throughout the night. They awkwardly shake hands before she gets out of the car. He is eventually forced by Wanda to answer a question wrong (when did Secretariat win the Triple Crown), which Mr. Peanutbutter laughs at him for, as BoJack at the time was filming the Secretariat movie and was playing Secretariat. Mr. Peanutbutter tells Doug that in order to move forward with his wife he needs to be honest with her. When Doctor Champ tells Mr. Peanutbutter that they dont interrupt others while sharing, Mr. Peanutbutter tells Doctor Champ that he was just looking for a little context, and BoJack sarcastically tells Mr. Peanutbutter to look for the context in his car. BoJack, pretending to be the coin sorter, tells Mr. Peanutbutter to go to Pickles. In Sunk Cost and All That, Mr. Peanutbutter who is with Max and Paige at Elifino. Sure, Mr. Peanutbutter doesn't always "get" things - like why fracking is bad for the world, even if a giant drill sounds cool. Mr. Peanutbutter in the meanwhile gets his driver's license suspended for chasing after mailmen. Todd then asks Princess Carolyn for a night off for his date with Maude. Diane plays along and says she can make it home that night. Soon, the hatred that the cast and crew held for Mr. Peanutbutter quickly turns into pity. Diane then comes to the front door and apologizes to Pickles for cheating, saying it was her fault, and it'll never happen again. An emotional Mr. Peanutbutter jokes about how depressing their conversation got, and they laugh and howl at the moon. As he talks to Princess Carolyn, a boom operator flips Mr. Peanutbutter the bird, as he walks past him, and Donna throws a scarf at Mr. Peanutbutters face. She gets a text from Alexi Brosefino, a famous movie star and member of the entourage "The Snatch Batch," and how he wants her to party with him that night so that she can take Instagram pictures. BoJack then goes and finds Mr. Peanutbutter, and tells him he doesn't know what's going on with him, though he is sure either he or Doug cheated on Pickles. When Diane tries to tell Mr. Peanutbutter and wonders if it's about her abortion, Mr. Peanutbutter assures her Captain Peanutbutter is probably just joking around with her. Unfortunately, the rhino doesn't get mad at Mr. Peanutbutter, but thanks him for getting him to stop smoking. He feels guilty about cheating on Pickles, he hasn't told her yet, and tells Diane he was hoping she could break the news to Picklesbecause he's not good at giving bad news and she is. After her divorce, Diane tries to reconnect with her Vietnamese heritage by taking a trip to Vietnam . After trying and failing to make it work, Diane confessed she was no longer happy and the two ended up getting divorced in season 5. Mr. Peanutbutter tells her not to beat herself over it, she just met the guy. in the following episode against Daniel Radcliffe for charity which BoJack thinks is Daniel's stripper girlfriend or somethingas in Charity (female name) instead of charity (like donating money). Mr. Peanutbutter says he wants them to be even somehow. She compliments his performance on Philbert. Mr. Peanutbutter goes back to Katrina, telling her he got distracted by some guys with an Ouija board. Mr. Peanutbutter returns to his kitchen sulking and eats ice cream while not noticing Princess Carolyn and Todd hiding behind his couch. He proposes to her in the season finale to avoid admitting he cheated on her by sleeping with Diane. When Doctor Champ warns everybody that the event will be starting in five minutes, Mr. Peanutbutter encourages BoJack to hurry so they get good seats. He can also be described as a "man-child," as he is around BoJack's age but still acts like a twenty-something-year-old party animal. Pickles then says they can keep brainstorming. Todd celebrates his legal victory with a party at BoJack's house. He tells Mr. Peanutbutter he thinks someone is hiding something. Mr. Peanutbutter calls Diane, and, still acting as if Diane is in Cordovia, he tells her he can't find the batteries for the remote, and that he should come home and help him. As he approaches Mr. Peanutbutter and Princess Carolyn, Princess Carolyn pushes Mr. Peanutbutter in front of Joeys car, and Mr. Peanutbutter is left slightly puzzled when he doesnt get hit by Joeys slow-moving car.

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