harry styles astrology predictions

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harry styles astrology predictions

Repercussions possibly for both subsequent weddings if any truth in it?? Or, even more fitting, kabuki. Yes, Soho House becomes rather like a set at The Globe in Spare. Mercury is in Capricorn the sign ruling the men at the top so Charles is one of them. harry styles astrology predictions. Was a car or motorbike levelling with Diana and the other passengers, with a gun pointed? In true Aquarius fashion, Harry Styles is absolutely unique where image choices are concerned. One very good answer is that a gun was pulled from another car and she was told to get into the well of the Mercedes with Dodi. I hope for his childrens sake he can find resolution one way or another. Firstly with Epstein and secondly with his friendship with the man the media have identified as Harrys American father figure. Pluto will be in opposition to your Leo factors until 2044 and he only makes it to 0 Aquarius from March-June 2023, so it will be some time before you see the usual questions about how much power or control you have in a situation. She also has inside information. There is a theory that pain unprocessed by generations will be passed onto the next to carry and feel (embody and enact) . From Proverbs 8:3-31 (excerpts): For at the gates of the Mighty, She hath taken a seat, Best, Cecelia. It never completely disappears. So from Andrew, Harry and Meghan come the polls. Why he again does not name the Russian who sold them (at a discount) their American mansion. He says these other secrets are so bad if he told them his family would never forgiving him. Meanwhile, in Samantha Markles court case, there have been allegations about H&Ms social media manipulation, we know about the alleged involvement of Russian bots on social media, I guess we will have to wait and see what evidence will be presented in court about H&Ms activities and associates. This all lasted less than a minute. (The Rulership Book, Rex E. Bills, American Federation of Astrologers Inc, Tempe, Arizona, 1971). I have no evidence whatsoever for this. Its also very convenient for anyone who wants to fake a terrorist threat! Otherwise the backlog of chores caused by this topic will grow even greater. I would like to know who booked Cliveden for Meghan Markle (as she was then) and her mother. Time will tell but my gut tells me she will rule one day. After the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake, the main house was demolished. Just to add Jessica that I had a look on Mumsnet tonight and ALL the Royal threads have disappeared. Even now trolls are paid to stir up the war between William and Harry; white and black; monarchists and anti-monarchists. Just pursuing that was an affront to plenty of Anglicans, Ill wager. And talk. * Sidereal Planetary Positions enabled in settings. Interesting! Later on, freedom will be found in a new role. Date was legally sealed so only a court order could access it. There was a falling out for months afterwards, but Diana mentions how entitled Raine didnt know the meaning of suffering compared to the people Diana meets in her work and calls out Raines blind spots. A pen is placed in her hand, but she appears unwilling to sign. MP Ben Bradshaw is quoted in The Church Times as saying Parliament created the Anglican Church and may come up with a Parliamentary solution to the same sex marriage impasse. When Charles and Camilla got married her status as a divorced woman etc meant that he as heir to the throne couldnt marry her so the attorney general had to look into the legal loop holes to allow the wedding to go ahead. I wonder how much input there was from MM e.g., as pointed out by others, most men do not refer to their necklaces, rather calling them chains or leather straps. I saw the news about the Archbishop of Canterburys proposed summit with the Sussexes and Charles too. I had a very fleeting, naive fantasy that mainstream media would pick these up at least, & even investigate. Love Matters Horoscope. If the Monarchy survives this. The primary drama is still March, though. Harry Edward Styles (born 1 February 1994) is an English pop singer and actor, known as a member of the boy band One Direction. Nick Jones CEO of Soho House said in an interview that by end of 2027 there would be 85 worldwide. I have no evidence at all for this allegation, except a ton of Leo eclipses. Which in essence is that the only legal ceremony is the civil ceremony. Dianas voice did appear as an E.V.P. Hi Jessica, thank you again for another fascinating article on the royal family! Moehringer has however exposed many other features of complex trauma, so much so that ex-British military officers are stating Harry appears to have military related PTSD, and even Taliban leaders tweeting their anger and objections to his crass kill count are concluding and stating he needs medical attention. Thank you. It can happen on this transit. that after a 5 year consultation Church of England bishops have decided NOT to change Anglican churchs stance on same sex marriage. Hi Jessica, If not for astrology I would not even be going here, but Harrys chart clearly shows some very odd things. The word that comes to mind is anachronistic. Edward IV is still the tallest ever King to rule England, William will be next tallest at 63 (his height being a Spencer trait rather than Windsor). He is hugely Virgo and this is the sign we associate with anxiety and depression risk. His background and upbringing provide ample explanations. Shock predictions psychic got right about Harry and Meghan. I remember in one of Dianas interviews she was saying Prince William May look like me but he is more like his father but Prince Harry will be a better king, he will be a peoples king. I so appreciate everything you are sharing on this. He is in the press today defending inaccuracies in the book. I am sorry I dont really understand. It may well be the lure of payment that gives Harrys publicists what they need from a member of the public, or a royal insider, to crash the front pages and sell the paperback. In regard to damage being done to the Commonwealth by H & M, it did seem to me that this is what happened on William & Catherines Caribbean trip. Maybe the therapist did and was ignored. As Pluto repeats his ancient cycle in March 2023 it would follow that the current line of succession is null and void. Interesting that there was no further Oprah comment. There is no evidence at all that Meghan Markle was tapped on the shoulder by a Russian-corrupted part of Trumps FBI. Vale. It is opened for me by my friend Claude, who, though surprised to see me, welcomes me in and signals me to stand behind him. 5:14. Is there anything else on its way that I should prepare for? May you live in interesting times as they say. They, Harry and Meghan appear on the surface to me and to the outside world to be people who want children and want to be loving parents who cares if they are by birth or by donation. Is there anybody in MI5 or MI6 actually doing their job? One question were the stars similarly aligned when Dianas book was published and when Harrys book was published? Thank you. Harrys astrology chart chimed. Thank you Janie Bee. Too funny. Roell predicts Prince George will become king at a young age not William. Our system detects whether DST was applied using the Olson timezone database. And theres the karma right there, hes paying for it via Harry. Couple that with his helpful Virgo Sun sign and he'll want to rush to the rescue. Roll on March, cant wait to be out of this slump! It is time for some real eye-opening analysis. Thanks Julie. I agree that MI6 are protecting the family. Extraordinary. We are entering Pluto in Aquarius, so a cycle when Boudicca and Elizabeth I led Merrie England. Thank you so much. Julie x. She really doesnt understand your work, nor, if I may be so bold, your motives. This whole book and the Netflix series are an attempt to set the story straight. But there were other things going on. Harry has Chiron, the planet of healing, in Gemini but his astrological make-up is predominantly Earth, Fire and Water. Could he even be blackmailed by threat of worse secrets/smears to come out? Julie. Julie. You have said there are changes coming to the Church of England this has just been published on the BBC -Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-64711815 with Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion have signed a statement saying they no longer consider Mr Welby leader of the global communion. Harry Styles venci a Beyonc y Adele para llevarse el premio lbum del Ao en los Premios Grammy. Every time I step back and look at what is going on I roll my eyes, because the whole campaign is so clumsy. The Church of England wants to fund 100 million in compensation for slavery. I do keep coming back to Harrys Sagittarius (foreign) stellium, though. H must know this so why do it? Interesting. He, she or they would be quite powerful, rather dominating and lets just say, the gauntlet will be thrown down. Or if Harry had been the first-born and obviously had not behaved as he has and left would it have been unacceptable for him to marry a divorce? Also, is everyone in the world with Leo stelliums going to experience a turbulent March or is it more about having a connection to the Church of England? One peculiar thing regarding Prince Andrew, in all of this, is how the Harry and Meghan fans are all saying that the negative press against them is all about diverting attention away from Andrew who is the real villain. It is very interesting to stand back from all the words and look at the actions. Is Harry the honey trap to somehow catch the bigger and more threatening fish? I came to that conclusion with the astrology, as did Charles Carter back in the 1940s, but as a professional psychic you are picking up on the future clairvoyantly. Harry has just done the same thing by denying that the Oprah Winfrey interview with Meghan smeared his family. I am not in any position to point the finger and Im not putting myself out there by doing so either, just very intrigued by it all. We may lie with our words, but our bodies are not wired to do so and will betray us. Ive always been a bit meh about Prince William (not the least because as a little girl I felt rather aggrieved that hed had the audacity to be born on my birthday) but I feel terribly sorry for him now and admire the lack of public response. Yes, Harrys chart shows a stellium in Virgo and we know he suffers from anxiety, so has seen a therapist experienced in dealing with trauma. The allegations about Diana ended up with an unlawful killing ruling in court, which is important. They create another reality (and money added to it) you are invincible, misunderstood, victim etcDoesnt anyone take H/Hs problems seriously, other than his relatives in the UK. In Vedic tradition, as in Christianity, the eagle is representative of a messenger from heaven-other schools of thought see the eagle as a symbol of divine majesty. And staying at Clivedon with its connotations. The House of Windsor is tied to the last war and to the defence of the realm, and it has a spiritual value to British people which is powerful and everlasting, it being shored up and protected by those in spirit; the Queen Mother, for example, and Her Majesty the Queen. On 26th July 2018, my husband and I went to visit the estate of Althorpe, where Diana is buried. Ive not looked at the China astrology chart in terms of Andrew and Harry (astrologically, we pair them together, as both were drawn into the Leo eclipse cover-ups at the height of Trump Russia). It did seem odd at the time that they didnt go to the States. Thank you for contributing to the discussion about the monarchy. I for one have been gobsmacked by the sheer number of recorded instances of bad behaviour by H & M, which are very difficult to interpret any other way, particularly in video form, not easy to alter I would think. Yes. By this point, youd think I could pinpoint how that might manifest but Im too close. So for as much as he is gaslighting the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth (whom he has a decent amount of power over) and we are doubting the evidence of our own eyes (the Meghan-Oprah Winfrey exchange about Archies skin colour) now that Harry has changed his position you have to wonder if he is not also like the victim in the Patrick Campbell play. This was of course the aim of certain foreign enemies all along. Something that may or may not be of interest, there are photos of Princess Catherine at City Hall in Boston on their latest trip to the States, during the height of the racism allegations against the Monarchy. Extremely good men. Stay safe, Her no BS attitude is very attractive. With his big threesun, moon and risingall in earth signs, he's someone who's more. Enjoy! Finally Harrys next American public appearance will be at a hotel in San Francisco for a weekend conference, which MI6 must be watching like a hawk. He could clear his name for a short time then find the information war resumes. It is still dreadfully upsetting and my heart goes out to Harry and William for having to relive it all again with the book. Just wanted to say that I think that your psychic antennea is picking up on something when it comes to Soho House Jessica. They feel Charles should have agreed to abdicate in favour of William one day, in exchange for being with his mistress. I heard the word suffocating then from my spirit guide. Here are excerpts from Pennys book that I hope I have copied faithfully. I agree. I did watch their documentary and I felt compassion for them both. Ive heard other psychics and tarot card readers mentioning the moon bump as well as questioning Meghans ability to squat and lie down whilst heavily pregnant. Seeing the astrology unfold in real time is awesome. Thank you. Janie Bee. This whole thread has been quiet educational. It seems perceived lack of injustice, unfairness, betrayal and disloyalty seem at the heart of these conflicts. The balance of power is shifting. The estates name came from an oak tree near the main gate, which was growing out of and had split a large boulder. " Harry is still going through a major internal process over a number of years which involves a lot of soul-searching and letting go of his old life. This is all so intriguing and fascinating for someone who has read royal biographies. He says he cares about his Grandparents and drops an interview with Oprah while his grandfather is sick in hospital. Not sure if its down to the stories written about her that trigger my dislike of meanness and injustice, or if its just an instinctual thing, who knows! Rasi/ Moon Sign: Virgo; -0:52. As Ive also said, if Harrys astrology chart came without a name, I would assume the man in question was involved with Hollywood, with foreign money but with shocks coming. Some readers question if Lady Colin Campbell is not a Trojan Horse, which would be too strange for words, but in 2023, anything is possible I guess. I would have thought that Pluto in Capricorn might bring an end to that. Very sad. Perhaps the family tree needs to be tended or amended; pruned or helped to rejuvenate. When I dont write my thanks here daily, I am thinking it!! Even more interesting is Cranmer, who knew when to bend like Welby. Jewellery has turned up to remind us of Henry VIII just at the moment that royal marriage, its legality or otherwise, and the Church of England also comes into focus. The late queens statement Recollections may vary is at the heart of it! They also have nominated Bishops holding the same views in their chain of command to the Anglican hierarchy. Thank you Jessica. Perhaps. Thats why people are intuitively so annoyed; they know. There is talk that Diana was having an affair with the late Henry Herbert 17th Earl of Pembroke before Harry was born and that he is Harrys father. The timing of Spare on Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Mars Retrograde in Gemini is typical of books which are uncorrected first editions, so the second edition will be quite different. Doesnt exclude any other considerations though. Why he doesnt name the Russian who gave them their Canadian refuge when they left the United Kingdom. Foster and Hadid divorced in 2017. I feel the same way about Harry now. She habitually wore a seat belt, has been photographed multiple times doing so, and yet it was off. Thank you. Hi Jessica, David Fosters 4th wife was Yolanda Hadid. Oprah was mentioned too. Present was Angela Kelly, the Queens advisor and one of the few authors given Her Majestys approval. Comeuppance? The later Kings, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI were usually shown not wearing a crown but a crown image was placed somewhere on the stamp, often hovering above the Kings head. Which is odd. For William I drew Nine of Wands. It would be a good new plot line in a manufactured drama series. Princess Anne has close ties with UK intelligence and may have been faster out of the gate than anyone else at the danger signals coming from America. With best wishes to you and everyone else on the blog I really hope that respected writer and investigator Anthony Summers does something on this deliberate Britain and American destabilization. Meanwhile, Elizabeth twice turned down Berties proposals. According to this article, the accident of 24th January 1536 at Greenwich left him speechless for two hours, and Anne Boleyn was told that he would die-the shock of which news, she said, caused her to miscarry the child she was expecting. But they are nothing if not determined it seems. Im sorry I dont know how to write this in English : Sun 1936 Taurus 11th House/ Uranus 149r Scorpio 5th H / Saturn 2350 Leo 2nd H / Pluto 1424r Libra 4th H. You mentioned foreigners in your blog for Taurus I do have a project currently blocked, linked to something foreign and I havent been able to find the right support in France so far which drives me slightly crazy I also procrastinate at length and the whole Harry saga gives me the perfect excuse for it (!) The scales are unbalanced. I am really grateful for Harrys astrology chart which tells us, partly, what is going on. I think he hates Will nuts and best way to get to him and hurt him is by taking it out on Kate. But there is also the personal story. Harry has five placements in Scorpio in the Eighth House of sex, death and money. Id say there is a team of people whose entire job it is, to manipulate our attention so that we find we do end up caring, very much so. Hi Jessica Power drips away. Harry is free to write a book about it. Its a cycle full of shocks, disruption and excitement too but ultimately it will end in 2026, after the last rug is pulled. And as I understand it, a high ranking theologian, a retired high ranking judge or or a former minister could do this as well. Its a pity that R/M chose wrongly, the prince is really a Spare compared to the crown prince (sorry!) Prince William does not have mars conjunct jupiter and in fact jupiter has to pass saturn and pluto in order to progress to conjunct mars. Something is off about Meghan, the former actress. The nagging feeling that were being hoodwinked or spun a story that suits anothers endgame is something I havent been able to shake and is probably part of the reason why this constant drama winds me up. Confirmed marriage for CofE has to remain one man and one woman. Ill look out for your commentary on Harry and Russia. Worth the short read. But if I was one of the flock, Id be confused and probably angry. They both have names. I watched the Tom Bradby interview too. You have added so much to this ongoing story and there will be a lot of readers who are very grateful to you. And over there, thats Scorpius best place to see it is the Southern Hemisphere. Scorpio rules inheritance. Charles and Camilla in France just as Pluto goes into Aquarius, where he last appeared during the French Revolution and the end of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinettetiming! Did she know him? Also another photo of the red and purple coat appearance shown in your article above where the bump seems to fall at least to MMs knees, allegedly (but not alleged in this video) causing Harry to laugh. Completely unjustified as if your blog has been totally misunderstood and misrepresented in Annes comment. Brothers, eh? That works on both levels. Black Dog Institute and Beyond Blue online are also excellent websites. Hi Jessica, As an astrologer I question the wisdom of having a widely accessible, public, heavily promoted event in a large hotel on the same weekend that Saturn goes to 0 Pisces for the first time in 29 years and triggers Harrys chart at 0 Scorpio. It also shows deep foreign interest in him. I knew only that it concerned the future of the monarchy. Hi Jessica There must be so many counsellors, psychologists and therapists questioning the advice that has led him to pursue the media and publishing in this way. Also thank you for your thoughts on the Pluto transits. Like some other comments on here, I struggle to understand why I get so bothered by this drama when there is so many more important issues going on in the world. She sits down beside me. What I wonder is: is this mainly about Charles and Camilla, and just how badly they treated Diana? All I can say is WOW! I hope Plutos coming move takes the influence of these powerful male religious figures away, at least for the rest of our lifetime. Thank you for your dedication! Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Anne divorced. I think Harry has been trying to replace his mother in his life and in Meghan he feels he has found that replacement. But it will make them vulnerable to dictators and larger, let me say, balloon wielding countries. Given Harrys transits in Sagittarius you would be looking for a nod to Commonwealth, Scottish or US-UK politics. Love to hear your feed back. Another quick question about this issue which I really cant stay away from however much I want to. The fastest, cheapest way to do that, is to target individual members of the monarchy and conduct an information and propaganda war. Theres a website called Blind Gossip which has posted a lot about Meghan dating back to 2017, so much of what was posted there has ended up coming true. I wonder if well ever find out about the editorial and publishing process. The more fracturing of the old world order, the better, for ambitious nations like China and Russia, who have shown their true colours by the vicious war on Ukraine. Thank you Jessica. Who would have the strongest interest in achieving that aim? Hi Jessica The Independent UK has an article dated 18th April 2009 entitled The jousting accident that turned Henry VIII into a tyrant. That could be really interesting. Pretty easy to turn the gas off though and open a window! It puts Charles in a bad light. I wasnt expecting the coverup regarding Meghans pregnancy. It was owned by one of the most important figures in the Romanov dynasty Grand Duchess Vladimir. ), Jessica this fascinating reading. We know how John Lennon loved to play with words. I live in Macedonia, small poor country in the Balkans, part of ex Yougoslavia ,bordering Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania. You are the best! Sun Leo. Were there any incidents related to the Royal Family? To this they may have added Macbeth and King Lear. A CBC investigation traces the ownership of Mille Fleurs, a lavish Vancouver Island mansion where Meghan and Prince Harry wintered in 2020, revealing ties to Russian billionaire Yuri Milner and murky laws that experts say make Canada a target for money laundering.

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