haarp locations in africa

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haarp locations in africa

DW. But what do psychological studies say about the sanity of "conspiracy theorists" as compared to those that blindly accept the "official narratives" without questioning? Funded by . melting snow high in the atmosphere inducing storms.. even vaporizing / mitigating storms. Its geographic coordinates are 62.4 N in latitude and 145.2 W in longitude, its magnetic conjugate point is located at 56.67 S, 174.48 E (Gokowski 2009), and its McIlwain parameter L is equal to 4.9. Microwave transmissions and toxic electrically conductive atmospheric spraying can and is killing trees, what are these transmissions doing to us? But rarely have humans been lucky enough to see them happen in, Source Skeptical Science What The Science Says: Peer-reviewed research, physics, and math all tell us that a grand solar minimum would have no more than a, Source: Resilience Human beings are now waging war against life itself as we continue to destroy not just individual lives, local populations and entire species in, Climate geoengineering at scale must be considered only as a last resortThere should be no lessening of attempts to otherwise correct the harmful impacts of human economies on the Earths ecology and climate., Raytheon Corporation is the third largest weapons manufacturer, and is a partner in. If this destruction is, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Until recentlyofficial sources have pushed the patently false narrative that Earth's ozone layer was recovering, that blatantlie is now becoming impossible tomaintain. Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament held a hearing on HAARP and other 'non-lethal weapons' in Brussels on 5 February 1998. The agendas being carried out are complex, this should always be considered and kept in mind. The HAARP site was near a major highway but isolated enough that there were no nearby sources of electrical or radio interference. Before joining Britannica in 2007, he worked at the University of Chicago Press on the Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Though it recently snowed in the southern US near the Gulf coast, on November 24 warm rains were falling far into Canada almost all the way into Labrador. The tweet ends with Vuka Darkie!, which roughly translates to wake up black person. The physical map illustrates the physical characteristics of the country of Cape Verde. Climate engineering is a completely runaway juggernaut of total insanity. The ionosphere partially absorbs the waves, speeding up its electrons and making them briefly heat up. The, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org "Dangerous Arctic Blast Ushering Coldest Air For 2023 Across Northern US",a new FOX newsharbinger headline of the coming winter weather warfare that is scheduled, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Mexico has "banned" geoengineering, do they mean it? Box 9 (2008); Rodriguez et al. Where are the US temperatures predicted (scheduled) to go in the coming months? Though some might claim that cyclone suppression for the us (that, again, has gone on for over 11 years)is beneficial (and therefore shouldbe embraced), this very suppression contributes to even more overall heat buildup in the climate system and thus eventually even more hurricanes of even greater strength. Not only are air travelers inhaling high concentrations of toxic, Science circles and governments all over the globe are pushingthe narrative that "geoengineeringcould mitigate global warming". Help us to reach a critical mass of awareness with populations around the globe,pleasemake your voice heard while we still have anything left to salvage of our once thriving planet Earth. How can very high powered RF / microwave transmissions be used by the climate engineers to manipulate cloud cover, climate, and precipitation? Compelling evidence existsin regard to the potential use of the global ionosphere heater installations to trigger the devastating Japanese earthquake of 2011. All are needed inthe critical battle to wake populationsto what is coming,we must make every day count. DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Geoengineering is wreaking havoc all over the world, from fires to ice. In addition to "solar radiation management",there are so many more layers to the climate engineeringatmospheric aerosol spraying. DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Climate engineering is nothing short of weather and biological warfare. The degree of climate "forcing" being carried out by the global climate engineering cabal is absolutely astounding. Erik Gregersen is a senior editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica, specializing in the physical sciences and technology. Users can still see the slate-roofed 1893 structure . Earth's life support systems are literally collapsing from countless forms of human activity. Transmitters like the one shown below are scattered all over the country and throughout many regions ofthe world. Africa's physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately. Researchers then, how radio waves interact with electrons in the ionosphere, allowing them to study natural phenomena like the, before, with false claims that it can control the weather and peoples minds, and. The term "conspiracy theorist" has so far been very successfully used to trigger a mental shutdown in most people. This being said,the, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The global climate engineering assault is becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sightas the climate and biosphere collapse accelerates. They are also highly toxic due to the geoengineering jet dispersion of chemical, heavy metal particulatesand polymer fibers. In order to perpetuate public confusion and division in regard to the true state of the global climate, the power structure must create and re-create the "polar vortex" cool-downs which mainstream media then sensationalizes. SUBSURFACE MINERAL EXPLORATION HAS BEEN DONE FROM SATELLITES BY RADIOTOMOGRAPHY THAT IS 100% ACCURATE. The geoengineers are continuing to ramp up on their forcing of the climate processes even as the whole climate system frays apart. Denying the effects of climate engineering helps to hide climate engineering, why are some in the activist community saying exactly what the power structure would want them to say? Because the largest military in the world (the US military) is at the head of massive climate intervention programs that are nothing short of weather warfare. So far, most have chosen apathy, denial, and total willful blindness. Again, the record heat / record cool weather whiplash scenarios (that has now become the norm in the US and the world) is completely engineered, completely unnatural, and until the recent past, meteorologically unprecedented. This buys time for those in power as they prepare for total collapse. HAARP. DW. Microwave transmission facilities are undeniably being used to manipulate climate and weather systems. Such profound anomalies are the result of extreme climate engineering processes which include RF / microwave transmissions. THE HAARP SITES ARE LOCATED GLOBALLY WHERE THE RICHEST MINERAL BELTS ARE LOCATED. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. All, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Geoengineering Watch will start to release as of yet unseen footage from the filming of The Dimming, this is the first installment. If the public truly understood the gravity and immediacy of the climate unraveling (much of it caused and fueled by the climate engineering itself), there would already be global panic. The ionosphere partially absorbs the waves, speeding up its electrons and making them briefly heat up. Moving on to May 13th,2015, the satellite image below taken over the Pacific Northwestshows vast areas of wispy aerosol canopy. HAARP and all the rest of the ionosphere heaters located around the globe are weapons of mass destruction, period. Nonstop engineered winter weather, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Extreme and widespread flash freeze surface cool-downs have been scheduled for the western half of the US and the whole of the UK. This is completely absurd from a historical perspective, but now it seems it is the norm. Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations. Though, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The public has been trained and conditioned to believe that federal agencies like the EPA exist to watch over them and warn them of, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org How do we retain our health in an increasingly contaminated environment? : Radio waves in the frequency ranges that HAARP transmits are not absorbed in either the troposphere or the stratosphere the two levels of the atmosphere that produce Earths weather. See our privacy policy. The radio frequency / microwave transmitter animation above confirms the profound effect such transmissions have on precipitation and weather / climate patterns. How can the US be spared the record major hurricane impacts that are pounding so many locations in other parts of the world? These claims have been debunked many times. "Technology Review" has acknowledged unexplainable atmospheric anomalies right above the quake epicenter just prior to the quake, EUCAH Director Arrested for Submitting Law Banning HAARP and Chemtrails to EU Committee [video], Possible HAARP Locations Around The World, Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), the strongest tropical typhoon ever recorded, has resulted in devastating consequences for the Philippines, Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change. The HAARP program is committed to developing a world-class ionospheric research facility consisting of: The Ionospheric Research Instrument, a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range. Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2 over a ten year time horizon. We must allcollectively prioritize our efforts toward the fight to expose and halt climate engineering / weather warfare, this is the great imperative of our time. Photo credit: Ron Morgan, Port Washington, New York. There is also the following much more dire fact that should be contemplated, the power structure is preparing for societal collapse. Radio frequency signals leave a very clear and visible signature, this signature is extremely recognizable on the image above. Source: otterwalks Methane deposits are abundant on the continental marginof the Pacific Northwest coast as more methane is seen being released southward. Climate engineering is a tool of deception that has very successfully confused and divided populations. Or was this course alteration the result of geoengineering, ionosphere heaters, and atmospheric aerosol spraying? Various regions are active at various times depending on the agenda of the weather-makers. Since there is no interaction, there is no way to control the weather., : The facility is operated only a few hours each year. Instead of falling to the dozer blade, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program has new life. HAARP again open for business. While the majority of the masses are still allowing themselves to be distracted with power structure orchestrated political theater, the biosphere is collapsing and every breath we take is being contaminated with the toxic fallout from the climate engineering operations. Cracking the mystery of the 'Worldwide Hum'. Many are now finally beginning to look up and take notice of the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying that is occurring in skies all over the globe. Health Freedom News, Our government is nothing more than a state sponsored crime syndicate. 1- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programn (HAARP) Gakona Alaska +62 23 30.00, -145 8 48.00 2- High Power Auroral Stimulation Observatory (HIPAS) Fairbanks Alaska 64 52 19 N 146 50 33 W 3- Poker Flat Research Range Near Chatanika, Alaska +65 7 23.90, -147 28 7.05 4- Platteville Atmospheric Observatory Platteville, Colorado The climate science and meteorological communities (along with mainstream media and countless other agencies) have long since completely sold out to the power structure. DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations have been pushed and propagated on the premise of cooling the planet by saturating Earth's skies with sun blocking aerosols. There is an already massive grid of climate intervention transmittersis constantly being expanded. The ionosphere is a region that stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles (80.5 to 645 kilometres) above the Earths surface and forms a boundary between the atmosphere and space. You can also help identify false information on Facebook. This narrative is so astoundingly falsefrom so many directions,the fact, DaneWigington geoengineeringwatch.org Why are there so many record droughts unfolding around the world? ! 90 degree corners on weather systems (and the associated cloud formations) is not a natural phenomenon. Every aspect of our weather is being altered and manipulated by geoengineering programs, including hurricanes / cyclones. Is it not our duty of care to protect our children's future and this, By IreneParousis Weregoing to build a mirror factory first and put out nothing but mirrors for the next year and take a long look in them." DW. Like Hurricane Florence, Hurricane Harvey (2017) was heavily manipulated, radio frequency / microwave transmissions were a core aspect of that manipulation. In 2019 BLF was deregistered as a political party and not permitted to contest elections because it does not allow white people to become members. A geoengineeredrecord deep freeze is scheduled to hammerthe Eastern US, just in time for the holidays. We are all swimming in a sea of microwave transmissions that are decimating the climate system and are extremely harmful to all life forms. What will it take to wake the masses to what is occurring in the skies over their heads? P.O. sources. The amount of high-frequency energy coming from amateur radio operators around the world almost certainly exceeds transmissions from HAARP., No evidence South African provincial minister Nomusa Dube made racial remark in 2011 statement about deadly KwaZulu-Natal lightning strikes, US president Biden abusing little girls on beach? Please watch this 4minute video that will provideinsight and points to ponder. Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. Is mass distraction from US/NATO fueled Middle East and European mahem one of the objectives being provided by the climate engineers and hurricane "Matthew"? DaneWigington geoengineeringwatch.org Yet more forest land is being incinerated by raging, unprecedented, and completely out of control wildfires in the US West. By altering the density of electrons in a specific region, scientists using HAARP can study how the ionosphere reacts to changing conditions. Wed, Apr 25, 2018. These two photos (above and below) reveal extraordinary and completely unnatural variances of cloud canopy composition. Africa, the second largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.It is divided almost equally in half by the Equator. Countless individuals within these groups have committedthemselvesto what is nothing less than a total betrayal of populations around the globe (along with the entire web of life). Methane Plume Seen On Radar Returns Moving NW From Offshore SW Of San Francisco Moving Toward Reno, Nevada, Dead Fish, Dying Planet, And Dangerous Denial, Climate Engineering And The Coming Ice Age Narrative, Catastrophic Pacific Ocean Die-Off, The US Militarys All Out Assault On The Web Of Life, Geoengineered Incineration Is Pushing The Planet Toward Venus Syndrome, False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack Pushes WWlll, While Global Geoengineering Omnicide Continues, USA Watchdog News Site Covers Critical Climate Engineering Issue, Environmental Collapse And The Unravelling Of Civilization. Glaring Radio Frequency Storm Manipulation Shows Up On Satellite. The content we rate as false will be downgraded on Facebook and Instagram. Dear blacks its a technology of mass destruction called HAARP. DW. Note the massive radio frequency signature (. HARRP is 72000 x 50000 AM radio antennas! We checked. The extreme fluctuations in the Greenland surface melt graph below are alarming and indicative of the ongoing climate engineering assaults in the region. Find out in the below videos. Thanks to stunningsatellite images from NASA and the EU of, Source: The Telegraph Russia this year has suffered the most Arctic wildfires since satellite monitoring started as climate change creates the conditions necessary for blazes to, Source: Counterpunch.org A methane deathtrap continuing Arctic Ocean eruption of ever-increasing levels of methane brings forth speculation of a Black Swan Event, meaning society is, Source: The Guardian Well need to mitigate and adapt to global warming to avoid massive costs from sea level rise. At higher frequencies, radio communications with satellites pass through the ionosphere. HAARP, in full High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, scientific facility for studying the ionosphere, located near Gakona, Alaska. Charges were laid at a Johannesburg police station in April, accusing South African president Cyril Ramaphosa of serious crimes from rackete Africa Check values your trust and is committed to the responsible management, use and protection of personal information. The climate engineering insanity continues to decimate our planet as the weather makers try desperately to hide the damage already done by further ramping up the very programs that caused much of the damage in the first place. geoengineeringwatch.org, Populations have been very effectively programmed to respond in specific ways when they hear key terms. HAARP is an ionospheric heater, so called because the excitation of electrons increases their temperature, and it is the most powerful ionospheric heater in the world. Um, no, No break-in or prison release at Umzinto in KwaZulu-Natal, Buckle up! Haiti isa country of immense struggle and crisis, much of it fueled and excacerbated by outside influences. Though these transmissions are not visible, they pose an immense threat to our planet and all life on it. After, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations are creating ever more extreme weather and temperature whiplash, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Newly elected California governor Gavin Newsomhas had to declare stateof emergency due to, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east, DaneWigington geoengineeringwatch.org Global climate engineering encompasses many different aspects and processes. HAARP is located in a region where large natural currents, known as the auroral electrojet flow through the . Weather warfare is not theory, speculation, or conjecture, it has been a well documented historical fact for over a half century. In the programmes FAQ section the university states: Radio waves in the frequency ranges that HAARP transmits are not absorbed in either the troposphere or the stratosphere the two levels of the atmosphere that produce Earths weather. The IRI transmits at frequencies between 2.7 and 10 MHz with a power of 3.6 megawatts. How long till the power structure plays the WWlllcard as a final option? The more educated activists are in regard to what the ionosphere heaters areand what these installationscan do, the more effective they will be in the battle to raise awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. We will never charge you for verified, reliable information. The HAM map below shows "departure from normal high temperatures", do the extremes on this map look "normal" to you? No, blurry picture distorts real story, No emergency? Hurricane Matthew has gone through very anomalous phases where it almost appears to be a twin cyclone on radar images as the core was divided. - 231 ionosonde locations registered in SPIDR . All official sources are blaming, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Record wildfires continue to sweep the globe, incinerating what yet remains of Earths formerly vast thriving forests. Photo credit:GeoengineeringWatch.org. Facilities also are located at Jicamarca, Peru; near Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod (SURA) and Apatity, Russia; near Kharkov, Ukraine and in Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan. Bella Vista, Ca 96008, The dangers we face from global climate engineering are not only from the atmospheric saturation of highly toxicaerosols, but also from the constant bombardmentof extremely powerful radio frequency signals that arealso permeating our atmosphere from the clouds to the ground all over the planet. The principal instrument is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a phased array of 180 HF crossed-dipole antennas spread across 33 acres and capable of radiating 3.6 megawatts into the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. On the current trajectory we face near term global extinction, this is a mathematical certainty. According to the official HAARP website, "HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes." political party. At the bottom of this post, there are several good examplesof tall microwave towers , and RADAR stations HEATING THE SKY above the transmitters. Welcome to project LUCY and ALAMO, the intentional massive microwaving of the atmosphere with oppossingfrequenciesin an incredibly desperate and destructive attempt to molecularly degrade the atmospheric methane buildup. Massive methane eruptions are pushing the planet toward. They remain locked in denial and will not admit to the climate engineering insanity. But the science behind the program is complex, and has given rise to numerous far-fetched theories. All available data indecates the geoengineers have been actively suppressing cyclones in the Atlantic basin for at least a decade. Arctic ice mass (volume) has dropped precipitously in recent decades and is now at dangerously low levels. Mainstream media and the military industrial complex tried to convince the public that HAARP was going to be completely dismantled by the summer of 2014, but did this happen? Extremely powerful microwave transmissions area majoraspect of the climate engineering assault that often goes unnoticed by many, even within theranks of the anti-climate engineering movement. The masses must be awakened to the immense and immediate challengeswe collectively face. A primary purpose of the constant spraying is to create as much aerosolized cloud cover over the planet as possible. This in turn makes the lethal and immensely powerful signals from ionosphere heaters even more impactfuland dangerous. Please complete this form to receive the HTML sharing code. The photo above was taken on 10-2-16 near the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince(photo: AFP). Wherever there is moisture, there is almost always heavy spraying. There are also the SBX radar facilities (sea based x-band radar) which are another part of the weather modification arsenal of insanity. This transmitter location is southwest of Eureka, California. Photo credit: David Mace. Whereas Radio Waves use electromagnetic energy as a type of pressure and can equally pass through the air, liquid or a solid, with the exception of reflective metals. The ongoingradio frequency saturation in our atmosphere is extremely harmful to living organisms, including us. Or just stay ignorant and blissful. Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are highly visible in skies all over the world. Radio frequency / microwave transmission installations have been and are a core component of the ongoing global climate engineering operations. "Hermine" DID NOT end the major hurricane landfall drought in the US. The Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, how much more anger would they feel if they knew about the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare operations? is a region that stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles (80.5 to 645 kilometres) above the Earths surface and forms a boundary between the atmosphere and space. Investigators interested in deploying diagnostic apparatus including radio receivers and radar, lidar, optical imagers and spectrometers, and interferometers are encouraged to contact the HAARP Ionospheric and Radio Science . This being said,in the end, we can't know the full agenda of those behind the levers of power and thus we cannot say with certainty how they will attempt to manipulate this storm in the coming days. My thanks to the activist that sent the 1 minute video below. Click on our guide for the steps you should follow. Responsibility for HAARP was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2015. Make you voice heard. A combination of El Nino, global warming and the country's climate dynamics has affected South Africa's weather patterns. More and, By Penny Teal, PhD, contributing writer forgeoengineeringwatch.org We all know despair. From weather warfare to engineered, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Erratic and unprecedented weather is radically increasing all over the world. How is is possible for such a consistently anomalous cooling of such a, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Global climate engineering operations are creating ever more extreme weather and temperature whiplash scenarios. It is calculated that, DaneWigington geoengineeringwatch.org Fish are dying, wildlife is dying, the entire web of life is dying, but willful denial of verifiable realities continues to thrive. Fri, Mar 29 . The swirling patterns left from chemical ice nucleation materials on the sea surface are very clearly visible in the NASA satellite image below (east coast of Greenland). The burden of this battle must be borne by us all, make your voice heard. HAARP The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a University of Alaska Fairbanks program which researches the ionosphere - the highest, ionized part of Earth's atmosphere. Is this storm being manipulated by the weather/climate modification programs? Lake Superior/Arrowhead region ofN. Minnesota. The Western US has, at minimum, long since become a climate sacrifice zone for the geoengineers. For many, the notion that this kind of power is even possible is beyond what they are willing to believe. ~ BP. It is located on an US Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska. Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding processes are a primary component of, DaneWigington GeoengineeringWatch.org The extremelyanomalous surface cool-down in Texasand other parts ofthe worldare not just random acts of Nature. They also refuse to acknowledge the effects of the climate engineering which they say they are attempting to expose. The main instrument is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), an array of 180 radio antennas spread over an area of 0.13 square kilometer (33 acres). This is not global warming mitigation, it is omnicide. The VLF group focuses on using HAARP to generate ELF and VLF waves through a process called modulated heating. Some regions in the eastern US that were just buried under the last "polar vortex" hit record high temperatures today. HAARP became a popular subject of conspiracy theories. Many people do not yet understand that the HAARP facility in Alaska is only one of perhaps 24 or more large ground based ionosphere heater installations. Investigate and you will find the facts. A NASA press release points out, Operators powered one of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) engines up to 113 percent thrust level, the highest RS-25 power level yet achieved, during a test on . The main instrument is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), an array of 180 radio antennas spread over an area of 0.13 square kilometer (33 acres). In response, the, Source: Daily KOS Throughout the High Arctic of Canada, Alaska, and Siberia unprecedented wildfires are raging. Please watch this 4minute video that will provideinsight and points to ponder. May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to geoengineeringwatch.organd the articles author with a hyperlink back to the original story. What many people don't know is that the Alaskan HAARP facility is only one of many major ground based ionosphere heaters around the world. When the ionosphere is bombarded with the massively powerful RF / microwave transmissions from installations like HAARP, high pressure heat domes can be created and maintained. Location: Gakona, Alaska. What is the "science" community pushing now? The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a project of the University of Alaska Fairbanks in the US.

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