va spouse letter example for sleep apnea

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va spouse letter example for sleep apnea

This event took place in the US Army back in 1971. Army Video Debunks Myths About Hiring Veterans, Big Data Insider Takes Over Board Of Veterans Appeals, VA Logic: 60 Percent Of The Time, It Works Every Time. It would have helped her out greatly. I have no idea who to contact, the American Legion that I am involved, well they are all older and not sure they would know about this, maybe you can point me in the right direction thanks. There is a very fine line in striking that balance. 3. (1) a current diagnosis; since several compensation claims were filed,to cover assignments, ranging from , two years (24 months) in South Korea DMZ line next day after the 24th INF Division pushed the NK, back up north. That tells them you are actively engaged in getting it processed. Does it mean anything to the VA that I was medically discharged from the Reserves and in those discharge papers make reference to active duty medical records for the same heart problem? *A medically untrained individual is not usuallycompetentto offer a medical opinion regarding the etiology of disorders and such an opinion is generally assigned little probative weight. Have questions? Its genuinely very complex in this full of activity life to listen news on TV, thus I only use world wide web for that reason, and get the latest information. This quick disability claim letter to VA Comp & Pension from my own claim for sinusitis, sleep apnea and allergic rhinitis should help get your claim going. 3.303(d). PDF Nexus Letter For Sleep Apnea - Plusfresc 14-01 657 ) DATE. Any ideas. I was a kid (like most of us) and what did I know about orders except to follow them. Getting a spousal letter supporting sleep apnea is a great way to get this lay evidence. Va Form 21 4138 Sleep Apnea - signNow I was not born with this. i had 0s all the way down the list on mobility. I am convinced I am to help other veterans and my case should be on FOX news. They had over two months to get them there and failed an easy task. He seems to be sleeping normal and no more snoring but when he is not using the device he still snores and would stop breathing. 8 years worth. The following is to provide you with view inside VSR-world. Then in the spouses own words, talk about the change noticed in the veteran. This letter can be typed up on a word document, but it must be dated and signed by the spouse writing it. to this date, i have lost my wife and kids from dealing with my siutation that the military discharged me with no help. Sample letter for sleep apnea - disability benefits questionnaire. Sleep Apnea in Gulf War Veterans - Public Health The reason for the length of my disability claims package was because of the Veterans Administrationsincompetence. Since that night, Johns mood is unpredictable. For me Im a Lifetime member of the DAV and a member of the American Legion. Below is wife statement, please comment if it is good to go. They were the ones who loaded and unloaded the canisters of agent orange. @Joseph AnthonyHi Anthony Read up on OTC (Millions)and Diamond Bar Company (Billions). It took Me over 8 years to finally get 20% service connected , but the thing is obama and the democrats are gonna take Our compensation and pensions and use the money to help the illegal aliens they are bringing in to food , homes , cars , etc . I figured i would get maybe 70% and then apeal and get th 100%, but the government decided that i was still employable even thogh the doctor said i wasnt. I started reevaluation in Dec 09. Buddy letters are lay statements provided in support of a veterans claim for VA disability benefits. Domestic Violence Records can be helpful if it describes your behavior bizarre crazy off his/her medication My one doctor wrote a letter but it was not sufficient. The VA is saying my COPD is unrelated to the fall. That lets them win. The most trusted name in education-based resources for Veterans. Now, although your wife statement may be credible, it doesn't carry much weight as does a nexus statement from tour doctor. wait-wait and more waiting. I just wonder are We gonna let them get away with this without a fight ? Talk to Us About Your Claim: (866) 232-5777. #2. The VA-certified disability benefits lawyers at Woods and Woods have helped thousands of veterans. Do you think I have a chance of getting a good rating? Suite 1700 When you need Ptsd Buddy Letter From Wife, don't accept anything less than the USlegal brand. 2013). A Buddy Letter written by someone you served with who can shed some light on how your shoulder separation occurred on active duty IS lay evidence. Since cutting back on his drinking, John slowly began to open up to me about what happened while he was deployed. They have always been paid in U.S. dollars before April 1 every year. 2004). MY STORY/CLAIM IS ACTUAL BUT DEFFERENT MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND DISORDERS IN SERVIVE AND DEPARTURES. I hope this help a case * I meant to say that.. Get the new rep to push the fact that the VA made a mistake and didnt do the right thing. I would suggest you contact your service organization, VFW, etc which is ususally located in the same VA Regional Office, Winston-Salem and have them make contact on your behalf. So, I did not benefits for about 2 years. Hey my brothers our true salvation is waiting for us beyond this earth. I put in a claim for my left lung. Even children know of his fakeness. Its FREE to get started, so click Go Elite Now below to complete our 3-step intake process. When my husband left the military in 2000 he was still snoring loudly until he went to the doctor to check his swollen uvula sometime in 2002. Boy, our stories sound pretty much alike: The USA should be ashamed of the way they treat veterans in general, and the out-and-out lies the government puts out. I have also been diagnosed through an MRI of the brain with focal seizures. the military just release me and did not try to give me help with my situation. They range from 85 years old to 21 years. I am in need of assistance. I would like to see the criteria for agent orange. According to the VA C & P experts, I was never there, if I was then Im making too big of a deal of it and deserve no compensation because it wasnt a designated Combat Zone. 3.307 and (ii) present manifestations of the same chronic disease, or (b) when a chronic disease is not present during service, evidence of continuity of symptomatology. So I didnt get any help there and I cant afford a lawyer, I live in Texas, any suggestions? #34938Washington, D.C. 20090-6503, Phone: (888) 878-9350 Thanks a lot. One thing your evidence should have is a Nexus letter (hopefully from a doctor or your in your SMRs) explaining how the evidence in your file is relevant to the condition you have now . A congressman is great, but the senator is even better. That was my only proof of an accident and it was accepted. I was unable to exercise and gains wait over 200 plus with a 69 inches height. Well also detail how to file a claim for the Recognizing and Addressing An Underrated Veteran Disability Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is sexual harassment and or sexual assault experienced by a military service member. Va for sleep apnea in the main symptoms have forged their disability to promote one. Contact Us Now (888) 883-2483 . Also, the work arragement is all about processing claims and reducing volume-not about customer service. #4567876. For lay persons, personal knowledge denotes facts and information the author came to know through the use of the sensesthat which is seen, heard, felt, smelled, or tasted. Fax: 336-714-5999 A Medical Nexus Letter from a private provider can help you prove the Nexus, which is that logical link to an in-service injury or event that led to your current disability or condition. Therefore, we are out in the middle of nowhere. For example, if the veteran suffered a traumatic event while in service, and then developed the symptoms of sleep apnea, ensure that is discussed in the spousal statement. Then the legislation is flawed and riddled with loopholes, a WWII hero with an amazing service record is denied because his income is slightly over the limit (he did the right thing by working and saving money); yet some dirtbag who sprained an ankle in basic training in 1995, who got separated and subsequently gets the HIV (how that is service connected is beyond drill sergeant forced me to share needles or have unprotected sex?) Try to keep the letter one page in length or shorter. I go thru it daily but, then again I consider them my colleagues because I deal with them everyday and I have to fight for my veterans. 4. My claim is for retroactive from 1956 to present. Share with: Link: Copy link. The entire disability claims package, including documentation, was approximately 70 pages. It was determined that I had sleep apnea, and the va did in fact provide me a CPAP. He filed paperwork and has a 0% rating for two things but they denied 8 others. Many VA hospitals and clinics have in-house SOs from the DAV, state, etc to help guide you. Find another form here. Nexus Letter to VA for Sleep Apnea Sample - EssayCrib I have sleep Apnea and report states most my family of 10 brothers and sisters have it when in fact none do. Lay evidence is one type of evidence that must be considered, and that competent lay evidence can be sufficient in and of itself. Home | Veterans Affairs [emailprotected] If you have ever seen the movie Office Space, then you have an accurate depiction of what the Philadelphia PMC is. My x-ray yesterday explained why I was hurting so bad, one of the screws broke in half, so part of it is secured in my spine the other part is just floating around causing even more scar tissue. Carrie, I hear you. Then the appeal process then more years. This can establish a life impact for a veteran. We went through it and she wrote down some notes on the side of something. He threw himself back into what he loved and seemed to improve. Our work is set up on points..we need to work a certain amount of claims per day in order to advance/keep our jobs. My doctor put in report that I complained she never answers my letters and that she does when in fact I have 19 unanswered letters and all these type things destroy your credibility and mine is very important to me. My immunologist reviewed my medical records and had written a supporting letter saying this happened during time in service. Click to Read Davidson v. Shinseki, 581 F.3d 1313 (Fed. I will say this,they were prompt and very nice in responses. As of December 1st, 2022 the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows: 30 percent disability rating: $508.05 per month. Good luck! . and i have to take 2 sleeping pills every night just to get some sleep with all the pain i am in. How they come to this conclusion is beyond me, because as far as I know I didnt know you could joint the military as a cancer patient. (Quote from Forrest Gump). Plus every time they asked fore clarification I would add another claim to my packet. In 2009, I started my fight again for my benefits. I was diagnose OSA two years after I got out in 2000 and prescribe with CPAP and have been using them since. to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VA for disability. More and more research is being done about it, and much news is being written about t. On the other hand, buddy letters corroborating the severity of your disability will not demonstrate a nexus between your present disability and your military service in a claim for service connection. I Had several bought of bronchitis, my sinus are messed up and have this repeated vertigo symptoms head aches. It can also play a crucial role in firmly establishing service connection as well. Examples Templates. 4. To have any and all claims looked at in an open and fair manner. Make sure you get it notarized, seek out those who fought with you- if possible Buddy Letters & Buddy Statements from Your Wife - Veterans Disability Info They make so many mistakes and if the info was in, and it wasnt reviewed properly and a erroneous disability determination was determined, that is a mistake they made. Then in the spouses own words, talk about the change noticed in the veteran. Brian Reese here, Air Force service-disabled Veteran and Founder @ VA Claims Insider. Their salaries range from $53,000 to $83,000 per year to turn us down. The spousal letter should have a flow to it. A long, rambling letter just obscures why you are writing. My retirement physical stated in the doctors own had writing COPD secondary to long standing chronic Asthma. 725 Kenilworth Ave. Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 CALL : (856) 795-8880 EMAIL. 163. theprimitivemind. I have shrapnel in my right knee from a grenade that got me just outside of Camp Dobol and the nightmares from the bodies in mass grave sites. VA Claims insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. 3.102. Some are slam dunks and I can generate the claimants award within 30 minutes of reviewing the folder; for othersamateur night, you can tell. Did you know that sleep apnea, has been medically proven to be a secondary to. Cir. Afterwards Click on C & P Exam on the Something should be done about these veterans and civilians never having to serve in any capacity of a military branch of armed forces has the gall to deny me and my fellow comrades fallen on their illness to be denied over and over again because they have failed to read the claim for all its worth. will there be a panacea the VA can reach for, or would VA be willing to try. Many times a Vet will have a condition that there IS NO TREATMENT for thus they will not see doctors, but just put up with it. Depending on the evidence and contentions of record in a particular case, lay evidence can be competent and sufficient to establish a diagnosis and medical etiology of a condition. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. Alternatively, service connection may be established under 38 C.F.R. The VA puts a lot of merit in statements from spouses, and remember what I mentioned early, these can also be used to establish a service connection. Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. For example, if you suffer from sleep apnea that is related to your service, then you would talk more about how this disability is linked to a service event and how it affects your life. Currently 90% sc and had to retire early do to my sc disabilities. Whether you live in Las Cruces or Atlanta, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your tomato plants survive the heat and continue producing. Decision Date: 07/15/15 Archive Date: 07/21/15 Just about every Vet from my time at the VA hospital in Ann Arbor Mi feel the same way. My VSO was helpful to file the paperwork, but is quick to let me know I probably have no chance since the QTC doctor turned me down. I have sinutits, had surgery where they reamed out my nasal canal with a high speed reamer, I looke like Michael Jackson, no shit! My husband was almost killed and he gets nothing. Thousands of other Veterans in our Community are here for you. VA Regional Office The VA claims it never was reported prior to my being released. My prayer is wait upon the Lord he will hear our cries he will incline upon us he will pull us out of this horrible pit,and this mury clay place our feet on a solid rock and establish our comings and our goings. If you have problems sleeping go to the va and request a sleep apnea test! Contacting us does . Journalist. Com DoD codes your DD Form 214, Block 26. VA court Sleep apnea now a rated disability Roswell Daily. and vicodin 10s every 4 hours for pain and also celexa 10mg for depression, but hey im employable lol. Im 30% for PTSD and trying to get a claim for my seizures, which really hasnt gone anywhere as of yet. See 38 U.S.C.A. ask for referrals to see other doctors if you need to. Danny U.S. Navy 98-2002, Hey Danny, one can get a lawyer from American Legion, for free, how, is this to help with our claims??? Home | Veterans Affairs Sample Letter To VA For Disability Rating - Sinusitis, Sleep Apnea Westley Thomas / USMC / Vietnam Veteran 1966-1968. Tell them about your vet affliations. This section should include as much information as possible to readily highlight for VA the letters credibility, competency, and relevancy. I waited until I had enough medical evidence. Can prevail in spite of the absence of official records showing incurrence or aggravation of the disease or injury during service. What ever that means. Thanks. I completely agree with Rory R Jones, I am a 31 year retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant. They have a Duty to Assist. Doc, said I have PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder, but no paperwork exists saying that these patrols I went on ever actually happened. What was the specific reason for denial that the RO gave on the original letter? I have a buddy letter for my Adjustment Disorder, and currently trying to fix my Stressor. Instead, be the squeaky wheel! GO FIGURE. I got a rash within two years after I left Vietnam, While in Vietnam awoke with a blood stained pillow from my ear. I have also put in several inquires and have not received a reponse. Symptoms such as waking during the night, mood swings, fatigue, and falling asleep during the . In 2010 I was finally granted 30% for major depressive disorder. i was diagnosed with having seziures likes activities on active duty and discharged with only 10% rating for my disabilities. The doctor ordered a sleep study and he was granted to use a CPAP device. See 38 C.F.R. According to the recent VA disability rate benefit adjustment of December 1, 2021, Veterans with sleep apnea connected to tinnitus could receive benefits at the following rates: A 30% rating yields $467.39 per month. Never about Iraq and my whole Army experience. I have about given up, but my local VSO has assured me he is with me all the way. Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: non-combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, You Deserve It: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Veteran Benefits Youve Earned, 9 Secrets Strategies for Winning Your VA Disability Claim, Is consistent with the circumstances, conditions, or hardships of combat or FPOW internment, and. I have been seeing a VA psychologist and psychotherapist for the past 4 months and I know that has to be included into the documentation they have requested for me. 112 Comments. In his six months overseas, I received about three letters that together totaled less than a page. I file a disability claim in 2003 for IBS and was granted 0%. 2. is kicking back enjoying his check. Whether you are using plastic or fabric containers, Earthboxes, or even old buttercream buckets, there are a few important things to consider before planting. If your issue on service in Vietnam has not been resolved as of this date-let me give you a bit of advice/help. Its unfortunate that most of you have gone thru the HELL of VA. VA Disability: $23k PTSD Medical Nexus Letter. Sleep apnea (AP-ne-ah) is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing, or shallow breaths while you sleep. Amber, Virginia. Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. In 2009, I was finally forced to face my sleeping problems. The VA finally sent me to a QTC doctor who turned me down saying that I was born with this. Sleep apnea wife statement - Veterans Benefits Network LOL, this John B sounds like the same F**ktard spewing his hatred of veterans all over facebook. The VA is a large beaucratic system where it is easier to say No than to do anything else. Is there some advice you can give me or some where to look for some more information on this. How do I obtain a DBQ and a Medical Nexus Opinion? It was a terrible, tragic incident, and John was never the same afterwards. When we returned home, John hardly kept in touch. U S Army retired SSgt 101st Airborne Division, Fort Camnpbell, Kentucky 1972. Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims. I am now 100% and also the Post Service Officer with The American Legion Post 147 of Jasper Indiana. My summary letter was 5 pages. There are some nasty habits in VA that are part of the institutional culture. I have looked online for basic spouse buddy letter . If so, I would definitely appreciate it. And a response sure would be nice. Share your form with others. Lay evidence is competent and credible if it is provided by a person who has knowledge of facts or circumstances and conveys matters that can be observed and described by a lay person. Okay, what does all this mean for your VA claim? 3.159(a)(2); Click to Read Layno v. Brown, 6 Vet. The only shrink that did ask about it was the one that did my C&P but he was required to. VA Disability Rating for Sleep Apnea Secondary to Tinnitus How much does the VA pay for SLEEP APNEA? Did you know that sleep apnea, has been medically proven to be a secondary to PTSD? He recently agreed to attend group therapy sessions at our local VA, and it seems to help him recognize that he needs help. May 17, 2018. If not, did you have a verifiable stressor statement? I have since received (2) letters from the rating review board, and it said it was working on my case, by the way, I go to see my (Shrinks, Etc. ) 3. If you need some help to win, service connect, and get your VA claim rated at the appropriate level under the law, join VA Claims Insider Elite now. Sample of my SA NEXUS letter for SC - Physical Evaluation Board Forum The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea . The way the VA is, Im guessing I will be needing legal counsel shortly. . We need a relief and a quicker and fasyter process to getting what we deserve a fair chance in dealing with our claims and grant an approval with evidence when poresented. How would be there ? Different Forms of 100% VA Ratings (TDIU vs. IU vs. 100% Schedular vs. 100% P&T) Posted by Berry Law on February 9, 2023 in Veterans Disability Just as there are a number of different ways that a Veteran can get to a 100% rating, there are also a number of different variations of receiving compensation at the 100% level, all with different restrictions and benefits. While I can SC hypertension I would also add the snoring through my wife personal statement. A well-written statement or buddy statement can be the difference between a grant of service connection for your VA claim and a denial. 251 North Main Street IN .MD and no luck so far ,pardon my spelling,thanks for reply ! To that end, I usually try to have the latest copy of my records that I can get, just to use as a reference while writing my statement. The diagnosis is a suspected genetic diesease that started with the symptoms while I was in the military. I hope that i dont offend you when i say your are God sent. Instead, it sounds like you are spreading the dysinfo many regional offices put out there to discourage veterans. A fellow servicemember competently testifies to hearing the veteran snore and choke in his sleep during service, but he cannot state that the Veteran has sleep apnea. This can establish a life impact for a veteran. Call your VA counterpart and ask about your claim at least once a month. Maybe an email from you with subject: Dont Tread on Me may encourage me: kelleykents (at)(gee)mail(dot)com Thanks for caring. hopefully my next post will be a victorious one. I cannot performed the PRT since then due to various knee and back problems. I dont know what the outcome will be nor do I have my hopes up. Most Veterans are not proving sleep apnea is service connected. If you have a certain number of congestion attacks from sinusitis, it will result in a different / higher disability rating that can be supported solely from a layperson statement so long as the STRs indicate the person had sinus trouble in the military. Perhaps to save you all hiring lawyers try using the VET organizations like VFW , Order of the Purple Heart or American Legion most have offices at VA centers stop in and talk to one of them they are very helpful and can help you out. I wish I could sue for pain and suffering. Hopefully you saved some letters, your family saved some, or you have some evidence of in country service.

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