solar heat gain factor table

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solar heat gain factor table

Visible transmittance (VT)is a fraction of the visible spectrum of sunlight (380 to 720 nanometers), weighted by the sensitivity of the human eye, that is transmitted through the glazing of a window, door, or skylight. The larger the net solar gains, the larger the amount of winter heating needed, and the higher the price of electricity, the better the score on the index. SHGCs range from approximately 0.70 for single clear glass to 0.31 for low emissivity glass (toned or coated glass). Denver is the best location for wintertime daylighting, for using solar heat gain for space heating, and for PV. 0000009545 00000 n Passive solar heat gains are more valuable in areas with higher costs for electricity or other heating fuels, or with occupants who are less affluent, or architects, owners, or builders more concerned with sustainable building. 0000034904 00000 n 0000046682 00000 n I'm less familiar with these lighting issues, so hope someone else can chime in. They have been prepared in exactly the same way as the tables in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (1967), but are for the latitudes of particular relevance in Canada and for . For January solar heat gain from south-facing windows, the highest numbers are triple the lowest. /TT0 23 0 R 0000034369 00000 n My great aunt used to live with family in Oregon, but had to live elsewhere during the overcast winters there. 0000038387 00000 n available solar energy falling on the window. That's good for south-facing windows, because during the hot summer, you don't want the sun beating in your windows, causing solar heat gain in your home's interior. 0000051944 00000 n That would provide ideal sun shading for those dates at solar noon. _________________________________________________________________________. The higher the VT, the higher the 0000019003 00000 n Yet, the living room and the sun room, get a little bit more but welcome heat, while the bedrooms on the top floor facing west get a wallop in the afternoon. ASHRAEs table of solar heat gain factors[2] provides the expected solar heat gain for clear float glass at different latitudes, orientations, and times, which can be multiplied by the shading coefficient to correct for differences in radiation properties. 0000055107 00000 n Note: appearance of your Comment below may be delayed: if your comment contains an image, photograph, web link, or text that looks to the software as if it might be a web link, your posting will appear after it has been approved by a moderator. Average daily solar heat gain per square foot of south-facing window glass in January. I am having a hard time determining which specification to use when calculating solar heat gain through windows. Conversely, if your are trying to keep your home cool in a hot climate, adding the intensity of the sun's warmth could create a suffocating situation, particularly if the energy is trapped inside by an incorrect u factor. A product with a high SHGC rating is more effective at collecting solar heat during the winter. Personally, I think we should focus on better window shading methods than roof overhangs. SHGC is expressed as a The NFRC (National Fenestration Council) describes Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) as: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC) measures how well a What Are The Top Factors To Consider In New Windows? This feature has been temporarily disabled during the beta site preview. 10;I#l3*O@`0wo : Thank you so much for sharing this with us. 0000058589 00000 n My house is orientated 45* off south, with a large wall (38') with 4 large-ish windows orientated south-west, and 2 largish windows orientated south-east. To model anything, you have to make some reasonable assumptions. ) Window Joe says to always keep it simple and follow NFRC and Energy STAR ratings that are suggested for your specific county. 0000028911 00000 n In practice though, most g-values will range between 0.2 and 0.7, with solar control glazing having a g-value of less than 0.5. 0000055475 00000 n << 0000056953 00000 n U-factor (inverse of R-value), which measures the rate of heat losses through that window to the cold outdoors. 0000019232 00000 n South-facing windows provide between 59% and 77% of the total solar gains, despite making up only 25% of the glazing of the four windows of equal size. 0000022215 00000 n A product with a low SHGC rating is more effective at reducing cooling loads during the summer by blocking heat gain from the sun. 0000031802 00000 n Note that air leakage also depends on proper installation of a window, which is assumed in all ratings. Remember when choosing the coefficient for each window: If you live in a warm climate, choose windows with an SHGC closer to 0, In colder climates choose a window with an SHGC closer to 1, When reading an Energy Star or NFRC tag, they report the SHGC on the WHOLE window, including the frame, not just the center point of the glass. [3] Since the quantities compared are functions of both wavelength and angle of incidence, the shading coefficient for a window assembly is typically reported for a single wavelength typical of solar radiation entering normal to the plane of glass. Consequently, south-facing windows capture far more light, and thereby produce far more solar heat gain, than windows facing other directions. 0000061092 00000 n 2252 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<83C04542AF040F4C833A7DC507AC7EE9><9975C82B1E27C340964B5370330FFFE6>]/Index[2225 55]/Info 2224 0 R/Length 124/Prev 708226/Root 2226 0 R/Size 2280/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream {\displaystyle T(\lambda )} The resources cited in the Appendix or other internet resources may provide climate data for your location or a similar climate nearby. However, a few strategically placed deciduous trees and i have all but eliminated my summertime window solar exposure. ) I understand that some passivhaus builders pour 8 inch thick concrete slabs for heat distribution from solar gains. I see lots of examples where people try things without "doing the math" beforehand. /Type /Page This won't delete the articles you've saved, just the list. Range: 0-1 Look for: Low numbers Air Leakage measures how much air will enter a room through a product. Locations get lower scores if they cant generate much net solar gains, need less winter heating, or have cheap electric rates for minisplit heat pumps, electric radiant heating, or resistance electrical heating. If windows get direct sun in mid-winter, solar heat gain might provide the majority of needed space heating energy for a well-insulated, airtight building. Privacy | 0000039733 00000 n Passive solar heating is a design strategy that attempts to maximize the amount of solar gain in a building when additional heating is desired. It ranges from 0 to 1 and refers to the solar energy transmittance of a window or door as a whole, factoring in the glass, frame material, sash (if present), divided lite bars (if present) and screens (if present). The answer to this question depends on where you live. 0000031405 00000 n 0000039175 00000 n how glass is used in the house design. 0000011631 00000 n /BitsPerComponent 8 = ) Overall, it is best to take your time, build your knowledge, and scrutinize each portion of the process and product when choosing new replacement windows. 0000030384 00000 n Window manufacturers use Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) to describe how much energy passes through a window and . 0000029417 00000 n b +{roFw@Qv.Pb=Z"3>!06&rhS8EnVw\/bw +rt|bSL6),W=^O *cAL^u'MH} ^D;p.'*{6OQYbS2tAD2)T=z 0!"Tl,|Am5q/Up+XwNM7}!/;yy6Q@=vjI~}krN>+e_CC-ccB: p7B . Sitemap | This is covered in the U-Factor article, but it is worth mentioning because it also impacted the solar heat gain coefficient for the Northern Zone. HUrF}WoND{_2#J$v:>-%uE">Tw[~Aq}$,N.7n@0v]Av8`o SHGC also decreases with the number of glass panes used in a window. -- The highest sun angle (for the northern hemisphere) is around June 21st, when the sun is nearly overhead at noon, just a little toward the southern horizon. %PDF-1.6 % The lower the SHGC, the better is the spectral transmittance at a given wavelength in nanometers and Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) is the fraction of solar radiation admitted through a window, door, or skylight -- either transmitted directly and/or absorbed, and subsequently released as heat inside a home. This Solar Gain Index uses south window glazing net BTUs of heat per day per square foot of glazing, and divides by the Heating Degree Days for that location. 0000011785 00000 n 0000054676 00000 n So the solar heat gain analysis has focused on the coldest month (January) for the 22 northern U.S. locations. The first five columns list each month of the year, and the daily solar heat gain per square foot of window glazing for windows facing south, north, and east, or west , and the average heat gain over the four window directions. Adjustable awnings, curtains, window shades, exterior shutters, or even deciduous trees, or other shading methods, can provide more flexible and more complete shading than a fixed roof overhang. In the context of passive solar building design, the aim of the designer is normally to maximize solar gain within the building in the winter (to reduce space heating demand), and to control it in summer (to minimize cooling requirements). A g-value of 1.0 represents full transmittance of all solar radiation while 0.0 represents a window with no solar energy transmittance. 0000010013 00000 n Continue readingat SOLAR GAIN TYPES, DEFINITIONS or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX. The basement windows look out only on the east and south sides of the home where they barely see the light of day. Much of the population of northern U.S. live in or near these metropolitan areas. 0000011862 00000 n How Do I Reduce Or Eliminate Condensation? 0000036472 00000 n Blocking solar PDF Solar Heat Gain Factors (SHGFs) for selected latitudes of - Dartmouth 0000018860 00000 n 0000009779 00000 n PDF Guide to Energy- 0000033432 00000 n Daylighting and heat gain are desirable especially in cold winter-heating-dominated climates of the northern U.S. Incredibly, south-facing windows gain about fifteen times as much light and solar heat gain as north-facing windows in December and in January. 0000053637 00000 n We have about 2' overhangs on all south facing windows and doors which work well in this latitude. 0000010476 00000 n 0000040032 00000 n The following web resources were useful for gathering climate and solar gain data. glazing 0000060552 00000 n So I'd recommend designing overhangs for minimal shading mid-winter, and not worry so much about summer (for winter-dominated northern climates). 643 350 , For windows, skylights, and glass doors, a U-factor may refer to just the glass or glazing alone. %3Qd Vw9k\1W7CL9tqM=~u5b&XfmFk!$"4c?9%fb|$N}0R16f]oqnDxo[hot;3Nq_fO-jldHA '*bIgdyfs[B[Z+^:E 9)Uii;/J PH( 6.u. w [5], Window design methods have moved away from the Shading Coefficient and towards the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), which is defined as the fraction of incident solar radiation that actually enters a building through the entire window assembly as heat gain (not just the glass portion). 0000020026 00000 n The following four cities are along the north central and western U.S. (Minneapolis; Salt Lake City; Bismarck, N.D.; and Billings, Montana) . AL rates The question-and-answer article above, quotes-from, updates, and comments an original article from Solar Age Magazine and written by Steven Bliss. Latitude: N: NE: E: SE: S: SW: W: NW: HORIZONTAL : 24 o N: 42: 37: 36: 26: 15: 95: 174: 134: 162: 25 o N: 41 . 0000040918 00000 n Solar Heat Gain through Fenestration Systems Containing Shading: Summary of Procedures for Estimating Performance from Minimal Data Publication Type Conference Paper Authors Joseph H Klems LBNL Report Number LBNL-48672 Abstract 0000025214 00000 n F Not sure when I took the photo, other than it shows AM shadows, and not during winter, as the deciduous plants had their leaves. An interesting result: It turns out that when these cities are ordered by average solar heat gain, they happen to be ordered somewhat by geographic areas: This geographic ordering is illustrated in the map in Figure 1. 0000010784 00000 n Maybe some desiccant packets could help reduce fogging? But this angle represents a brief moment and most of the arch of the sun's path, while still influencing the solar gain, is much lower during the periods of time on both sides of noon. Contact | The standard method for calculating the SHGC also uses a more realistic wavelength-by-wavelength method, rather than just providing a coefficient for a single wavelength like the shading coefficient does. However, in contrast to the shading coefficient, the total solar gain is calculated on a wavelength-by-wavelength basis where the directly Rather than looking for a window with a high U-factor, you should be looking for a window with low U-factor. 0000027405 00000 n 0000060083 00000 n 0000021134 00000 n Again, it would reflect off the floor and other surfaces to diffuse the light. I found it both interesting and very useful. The manufacturers may have improved the materials that made up the frames or the coatings to the glass to meet demands. /CropBox [0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0] As can be seen from the table, the top three rural family model types are Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3, accounting for 49%, 8% and 8%, respectively. 0000060982 00000 n This article notes the importance of using south-facing windows to capture warmth (and natural lighting) in winter, yet not suffer as much heat gain in summer (vs. west and east-facing windows). 0000056254 00000 n (Plus the low utility bills and resilience in case of power outages.). 0000009233 00000 n >> In the hotter summer season, solar heat gain through windows is usually undesirable. SHGC & U-Factor Tool. 0000032457 00000 n Note from the cells highlighted in yellow: During the winter, from November through February, one south-facing window would produce more light and solar heat gain than the total gain of three windows facing north, east, and west, respectively. There are lots of ways to provide that shading, or using low SHGC windows for west and east-facing windows to avoid interior overheating during the summer. Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Chemical Engineering questions and answers; 400 TABLE 15 SOLAR HEAT GAIN THRU ORDINARY GLASS (Contd) Btu/(hr) (sq ft sash area) 400 East 110 102 47 90 40 NORTH LATITUDE . Try to design smaller and fewer west-facing windows. . m [1] [5] The second factor is the CLF, or the cooling load factor. m South-facing windows gain about 3.5 times as much light and solar heat gain per square foot than either east- or west-facing windows in December and in January. T Ive been under the impression that south facing super insulated walls are more efficient in the winter, than the solar gain potential if replaced by windows. U-factor = 0.5, or R-2, very poor by today's standards. 0000040500 00000 n be adjusted for thermal lag and time delay. Average percent of sunlight shining in January (opposite of cloudiness). A Quantitative Look at Solar Heat Gain - GreenBuildingAdvisor 0 0000037411 00000 n /C2_2 13 0 R 0000044168 00000 n 3Lg !+P&U|,8| >kIoszd\p 5:X[KE]MmxHYnpmxq {BW5y.%LY^z#YeSl|]MO_-hl{b~S6y}-/O)@tHT;qZGw~Ny4{}ihda):Gu")17EXZ}s_S: ZFa|gGU=r 2$$4!&xL'`ewL ($2BLrP+Q(Iq(zj%I)%Y0T4"\2%r(D%;X%KnG;]YB#mc*AwQ}~%J@`c*KbQem&^nV_ Great Article! However I don't believe they sell sealed glass units retail, just to window manufacturers. ( 0000042133 00000 n Many computer programs make the job easier by calculating solar heat gain for you. The other two factors related toSolar Heat Gain Coefficient when choosing replacement windows are: Window Joe went to look at a home recently that required different solar heat gain coefficients based on the two factors above. 0000033229 00000 n Re-allocating costs would reduce the cost and complexity of the space heating system, and can enable solar heating to provide a greater portion of space heating. The upstairs solar-tempered rooms only needed supplementary heating on the coldest nights (about one-third of mid-winter nights). If you started shopping prior to January 1, 2016, then you might notice some of the windows you were considering buying no longer carry the Energy STAR sticker. 0000031934 00000 n Its no accident that Cape style homes appeared in winter-dominated climate up north; and southern plantation style homes with big windows, big overhangs and wide porches in the cooling dominated climate of the southern US. Heat Gain Calculations | hb```g`` ,@Q ?>K kwlsEGyGG#h`@ %X 0000058284 00000 n /GS2 4 0 R For east- and west-facing windows, overhangs are not particularly effective in preventing unwanted heat gain. 0000024129 00000 n 0000030603 00000 n What Is The Difference Between Convection And Drafts? 0000026684 00000 n Heating Degree Days vary year-to-year, so other HDD numbers may be found. Although glare hadn't been much of a problem, that uniform interior color reduced color contrast, and did seem to reduce the perception of glare. stream In Table 2, it was noted that north-facing windows are always a net BTU loss, since heat losses exceed the meager solar heat gains for all 22 cities. 0000048271 00000 n For the months of December and January, the sun is low on the horizon during midday. 0000043512 00000 n 0000008689 00000 n 0 0000009935 00000 n 0000056795 00000 n North latitude location (degrees north of the Equator). Solar Gain Overheating Interiors The lowest numbers are about double the highest. Table 3 shows the net solar gain and value of solar gains in northern U.S. cities. Solar heat gain coefficient or SHGC primarily reflects the percentage of solar radiation or sunlight admitted through a door, skylight, or a window, either directly or absorbed, only to release a fraction of heat inside the house to keep it warm. In Table 6, note that light from west or east facing windows in summer, is about the same as south-facing windows mid-winter. [4] Factors such as color, tint, and reflective coatings affect these properties, which is what prompted the development of the shading coefficient as a correction factor to account for this. . 0000024598 00000 n 0000010091 00000 n 0000054427 00000 n I will quantify solar heating potential by looking at climate data for 22 large cities across the northern U.S. CCPA | 0000046898 00000 n You wouldn't be able to see the TV well, and would experience glare from the window. , The cost of electricity, natural gas, or other heating fuels can impact the use of passive solar heat gains for wintertime space heating. 0000035843 00000 n If you live in a climate where it is hot and sunny most of the year, then you may want to block more of the sun's heat with an SHGC closer to 1. is the incident solar spectral irradiance. Elevates mood in winter High-performance homes likely use these space heating appliances, since less space heating energy is required in well-insulated, airtight homes. So for a traditional Cape style home, the small overhang doesn't shade the windows much in any season. The product Is this really necessary? Varying window sizes and numbers can increase or decrease solar gains and heat losses to affect overall energy performance. 0000041454 00000 n 2279 0 obj <>stream Having lots of sunlight entering the home in the winter is a way to elevate mood when many folks find it hard to be outside like when it's warm. Tile floors over wood doesn't provide much thermal mass (about 1/2" vs. 4" slab), but more than wood floors. Go . The window projection factor shall be . For some locations, the heat is more pronounced and longer in duration than the short months of frigid temperatures with little snow. 1 0 obj /CS2 6 0 R In climate-responsive design for cold and mixed climates, windows are typically sized and positioned in order to provide solar heat gains during the heating season. 0000052561 00000 n Thanks for all the great details and comments, and your work on this type of efficient home design. It differs from active solar heating which uses exterior water tanks with pumps to absorb solar energy because passive solar systems do not require energy for pumping and store heat directly in structures and finishes of occupied space.[12]. h[koG+`z?qN5A9 Y2dffIQMb?oE2+bXYkW6Dl-uJG%M}I2lF 9{lbbcJ*MZ&`S~PmQ9cU:VV)L+o/,7Z._}o.)?/o/\=|'7/>\?G{gN-`W>>llY9[Gyhenzvs=~zbW^z.67O_n2a}~s*y~ugg>g^=u|zrvqzbt The U-factor, Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), Visible Light Transmit-tance (VT), and air leakage rate for all manufactured fenestra-tion products shall be determined by a laboratory accredited by a nationally recognized accreditation organization, such as the National Fenestration Rating Council. 0000057247 00000 n The reason Energy STAR, from the U.S. Department of Energy, designates four climate zones is to help make it easier for homeowners to know which new house windows will work in their climate. << sketchup States may display AL in metric units. Column 8 computes an index of how cost-effective or how valuable solar heat gains can be for a location. F 0000054151 00000 n (If interested, see interior photos in this GBA article: And if you design for best wintertime performance, you will get undesirable solar heat gain in the late summer. "Rjk=6}TIF }l,MHU{j>k(g_VqL14VToD_fvCF O=^&~]D;_"?/4M$gi3c'fL12#PK6eSvIP9@CLG[4fmRKn#Ga'kenD1pM8|b,yZMwtxxvr;PI})1Z8ruT^a{ZANQ XHXM!zwR`OqQzq/y[moWk&jaR6vl_3=OM sK}GJNU 7vd+`y`,Sk- In the summer, that afternoon heat gain typically is undesirable. /C2_3 12 0 R Otherwise, the ordering remains similar to the previous ordering by amount of solar heat gain from south windows (Tables 1 through 3). 0000049715 00000 n The SHGC is the measurement of how much radiant heat, or heat produced by the sun, comes in through a window. Those won't work very well for passive solar homes. 0000020608 00000 n 0000019693 00000 n But maybe that's because of my partly cloudy location of zone 5 Iowa City Iowa? 0000042224 00000 n These properties are the transmissivity "T" , absorptivity "A", emissivity (which is equal to the absorptivity for any given wavelength), and reflectivity all of which are dimensionless quantities that together sum to 1. Locations that lack significant net solar heat gain, or that require a lot of wintertime heating, score lower on this index. 0000060877 00000 n 0000014163 00000 n The specific microclimate of any building location should be used in building design, rather than the rough approximation of solar potential shown in this map or Table 1. /Resources Try the search box just below, or if you prefer, post a question or comment in the Comments box below and we will respond promptly. 0000033028 00000 n Get building science and energy efficiency advice, plus special offers, in your inbox. Yes the analysis assumed SHGC=0.5 for all windows, which wasn't stated earlier in the article. (10) Calculate solar heat gains when designing, and compare to heat losses. =J04pajo/7iv}F1&04 kkAVF/n0 Table 6 lists the BTUs per square foot of window glass per day for Providence, R.I. (the northeastern coastal city that looks most promising for solar heating). Average January temperature (F), the coldest month of the year. Solar Heat Gain Factors - . This shows that a good percentage of the gains from south windows are retained, despite losses, except in Anchorage, Alaska. Two cities along the Pacific northwest coast (Portland, Oregon; and Seattle). . 0000058978 00000 n 0000056000 00000 n 0000018276 00000 n Ideally, the goal is to not block wintertime sunlight on south-facing windows. ( ( Those screens weren't very bright. Contrast between the direct sunlight and the TV screen needs to be avoided. He led a course in Sustainable Architecture for Lifelong Learning Collaborative, an adult ed organization in Providence, R.I. Bob has degrees in applied mathematics and in philosophy from Brown University, and psychology from UCLA. In both cases, NFRC standards outline the procedure for the test procedure and calculation of the SHGC. SOLAR RADIATION Solar radiation has important effects on both the heat gain and heat loss of a building. Note that south-facing windows typically have solar heat gains (column 3) at least double the heat losses (column 8). This simple computation provides a metric to rate locations for the value or cost-effectiveness of passive solar or solar tempered winter space heating. Can I Get Replacements For Odd Size Windows? 0000021997 00000 n 0000025994 00000 n Passive solar design is a key element of creating resilient homes, Cold-climate glazing is surprisingly hard to find. Subscribe to receive updates from Energy Saver, including new blogs, updated content, and seasonal energy saving tips for consumers and homeowners. Unfortunately, by late August, it is still hot summer weather, but the sun's path has changed to be lower on the horizon than June 21st. Solar Pathfinder /Im0 10 0 R 0000031213 00000 n 0000053260 00000 n It comes down to three ways windows are improved with the use of glass technology, coatings and gases: Review in-depth information on energy efficient glass for your window replacements. ) As you point out, it's a complex problem to design a good south-facing roof overhang for the windows below. 0000036867 00000 n Thirty-five years ago, I designed and built a classic passive solar home in Colorado. 0000034200 00000 n Here's some information not included in the article that provides background to those unfamiliar with the topic raised by Malcolm. On a traditional southern plantation style home with porches and monster roof overhangs, you could design a south-facing overhang that would completely shade south-facing windows in June, yet not shade much of the top of the window during winter. A 0000043411 00000 n 0000040295 00000 n Even if there's only one south-facing window in the room at mid-day in winter, light will bounce off the window sill and floor and diffuse the light, especially at the other end of the room. 0000054894 00000 n 0000029773 00000 n Beyond climate region, there are some other factors in place that impact how SHGC will affect your life. /TT2 21 0 R 0000039534 00000 n Use ASHRAE table 8.5, page 8.26 (page 26 note) to . 0000051339 00000 n 0000032190 00000 n -- Seasonally, the coldest temps of winter, and the hottest temps of summer, lag the sun's seasonal changes in path and intensity. This energy performance rating isn't always provided. Figure 1 depicts the grouping of northern U.S. cities by solar heating potential, as listed in Table 1. [4] Though the shading coefficient is still mentioned in manufacturer product literature and some industry computer software,[6] it is no longer mentioned as an option in industry-specific texts[2] or model building codes. /C2_0 15 0 R The tables and charts that follow provide solar radiation data in units of Btu / ft 2 / day for five surfaces: a horizontal (Figure 12.5) window and a vertical window . A Contrarian View of Passive Solar Design, GBA Prime Sneak Peek: Reassessing Passive Solar Design Principles. The National Fenestration Rating Council(NFRC) is an independent organization that tests windows and doors for the Energy STAR program. Glare E. Which type of glazing is optimal for a given project depends Generally she, me and the cat sit in the sun if we can. /TT1 22 0 R endstream endobj startxref ( I changed the color of walls from off-white to the same coffee color (from advice in an interior design class). You want to shade your south-facing windows from the sun to avoid solar heat gain. We have a passive solar house we designed and built ourselves in SE Michigan in the late 80's. Solar Heat Gain Factors (SHGFs) for selected latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere Source: Handbook of Fundamentals American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE) Use: Select latitude (16o-64oN) month of year (January-December) and orientation of exposure (North, East, South, West or intermediate orientation). They can work well in late summer hot weather, yet not block the sun on cooler days in the Spring. 0000029882 00000 n 0000024834 00000 n Well-insulated and airtight energy-efficient homes are likely to use electric minisplit heat pumps, resistance electric heat, or radiant electric heat as backup or alternatives for passive solar or solar tempered space heating. FIND A DEALER. For more information about SHGC and windows, see. Cardinal glass makes LoE-180 for passive solar applications. 0000037011 00000 n Locations in the northern U.S. are winter-heating-dominated (meaning that more energy is needed for winter heating and much less for summer cooling). The SHGC of the shaded vertical fenestration in the proposed building is permitted to then be reduced by using the multipliers in Table for each fenestration product.

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