how to calculate activation energy from a graph

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how to calculate activation energy from a graph

Another way to find the activation energy is to use the equation G,=2HI(g) is 5.4x10-4M-1s-1 at 326oC. Note that this activation enthalpy quantity, \( \Delta{H}^{\ddagger} \), is analogous to the activation energy quantity, Ea, when comparing the Arrhenius equation (described below) with the Eyring equation: \[E_a = \Delta{H}^{\ddagger} + RT \nonumber \]. How can I draw an endergonic reaction in a potential energy diagram? Using the equation: Remember, it is usually easier to use the version of the Arrhenius equation after natural logs of each side have been taken Worked Example Calculate the activation energy of a reaction which takes place at 400 K, where the rate constant of the reaction is 6.25 x 10 -4 s -1. Yes, of corse it is same. The activation energy can also be calculated algebraically if k is known at two different temperatures: At temperature 1: ln k1 k 1 = - Ea RT 1 +lnA E a R T 1 + l n A At temperature 2: ln k2 k 2 = - Ea RT 2 +lnA E a R T 2 + l n A We can subtract one of these equations from the other: Activation Energy(E a): The calculator returns the activation energy in Joules per mole. The activation energy for the reaction can be determined by finding the slope of the line.

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