how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon

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how many electric blue acara in a 75 gallon

Even as adults, these physical differences can be hard to see. Visit The Aquarium Guide (TAG)'s profile on Pinterest. Water hardness: The ideal degree of water hardness ranges between 3Dh-20Dh. That provides the fish with enough room to swim. Live plants will need trimming to prevent overgrowth and remove dead leaves and damaged stems. The fish will start scratching itself against any hard surface in the aquarium to relieve the irritation. Most cichlid enthusiasts keep their tanks simple with rocks, like Texas holey rock, ceramic flower pots, and driftwood. How many blue acara can go in a 20 -gallon tank: 2: . Size matters, in this scenario, for the fish to live peacefully together. Slowly add them in little increments, measuring the change as you go. Quarantine all affected fish and treat using antibiotics, such as Octozin or Metronidazole. Thank you for visiting! The blue acara originates from South America, mainly throughout parts of mainland Venezuela and off the coast in Trinidad and Tobago. Central and South America, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad, Omnivore: Flakes, cichlid pellets, shrimps, fishes, worms, Prefers well-filtered water with a strong flow rate, Peaceful when kept with other large cichlids and similar species. For EBAs, the water temperature in the tank should be around 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Electric Blue Acaras are quite large fish that generally inhabit bodies of water where the flow is relatively strong. 6. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. Unlike other Cichlids, the electric blue acara is not very big in proportion. Electric Blue Acaras are omnivorous, although most of their wild diet is made up of meaty protein. Unlike a lot of their relatives, the mellow nature of this fish plays a big part in the high success rate that breeders have with them. These Dwarf rainbows are prefect for smaller aquariums. The Electric Blue Acara is typically smaller and more brightly colored than the normal Blue Acara. But they act territorial if there is not enough room for the number of (especially) male fish in the aquarium. Be careful not to overfeed your Blue Acaras, as that can lead to digestive disorders. Blue Acara enjoy caves and areas of dense planting where they can hide if they feel stressed. For most fish, a pace of 0.5 pH changes per 4872 hours should be enough; however, the slower the shift, the safer it is. Youll also want to make sure they get some variety. When the water runs clear, add the substrate to the aquarium to a depth of two to three inches. Q: How many Electric Blue Acaras can be kept in a 75 gallon tank? Aquarium Store Depot earns a commission if you make a purchase. Keep an eye out for aggressive fish like the following: Size and temperament are usually the deciding factors. This includes a sand substrate along with driftwood or rock for decoration. 13359 North Highway 183 Suite 406 Once big enough, the baby electric blue acaras can be moved to the display aquarium or given to another hobbyist. This gives their sides a neat patterned look that can be very mesmerizing to observe. They are omnivorous and require a varied diet of dry and wet foods. Breeding electric blue acara is fun and easy. On average, the Electric Blue Acara has a lifespan of about 8-10 years when kept in captivity. That being said, they cannot tolerate ammonia or nitrite and breeding will demand more specific parameters. There should be fewer plants in the breeding tank, and you may want to opt for plants with larger leaves and a substrate with larger grains. Other genetic components play a part as well, but they are impractical to test for. Balloon Molly fish is a unique freshwater fish that are bred extremely short and round. Substrate With its ability to raise pH and hardness, this rock is an excellent choice for African Cichlids. This led to their almost-metallic pale blue body color; some fish may have underlying hints of yellow or orange. Gravel and sand are usually dirty and dusty, so start by rinsing your substrate under running water. For a start, here's your free ebook when you sign up! These swimmers are not new in the aquarium world, and they have been used in aquarium tanks for many years now. The electric blue acara, also known by its scientific name andinoacara pulcher hybrid, is a freshwater fish which relative the blue acara, is native to Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries in South America. Interacting with their tank mates can provide enrichment and stimulation to electric blue acaras. What makes the electric blue acara so appealing to hobbyists is its colors. Still, these fish are susceptible to freshwater ich and skin flukes. Allow 15 gallons of water per additional Acara that you add. Here's the ultimate care guide for this stunning species. Check out the video below from Uri Shasha. Electric blue acaras can successfully be kept with live plants, but only species that mind being uprooted from time to time. Failure to do so will result in catastrophic health consequences. So, you can probably house ten African cichlids in a 55-gallon tank. This gives them a sense of security and allows them to let their guard down a bit (which is great for reducing stress). The best electric blue acara community tank mates include: They have even been safely kept with larger invertebrates, including dwarf crayfish and nerite snails. The care you put into choosing tank mates determines your fishs comfortability. The iridescent electric blue color is one of the most beautiful features of this electric blue freshwater aquarium fish. Blue fish are unique and special-looking since blue is found in nature much more rarely than other colors. This means soft, acidic water with water hardness between 2 and 10 KH and pH between 6.0 to 7.0. But its the green horizontal lines on the fishs face and the bluish-green, metallic scales that give the creature its stunning electric blue color. And, remember to share the article with your fishkeeping friends if you loved it! These fish are like your typical sucker fish but with more of a coolness factor, and they are smaller to boot. That said, its best to avoid keeping shrimp or very small fish species with Acaras, as these little guys will most likely become lunch. Another disease that can harm electric blue acaras is freshwater ich. While setting the tank for your Electric Blue Acara, keep in mind the following aspects: Tank Size. This means you have a pretty generous range for most of the recommended water conditions. Quickly catch it! First, trim off any dead leaves or broken stems, and plant the specimens as per the suppliers instructions, ideally in pots to prevent the Acaras from uprooting the plants. These gorgeous, large cichlids are found in the South and Central areas of South America, Columbia, Trinidad, and Venezuela. You dont want to match them with much larger fish as they could become prey, and aggressive fish will cause anxiety and disruption in the tank. Over the course of the next two to three days, the parents will protect the eggs. Angelfish have a distinct appearance when compared to other fishes. When kept in aquariums, electric blue acara has a lifespan from 8 to 10 years on average. Electric blue acara are active swimmers that need a lot of open space to enjoy. Most large cichlids need a 75 gallon minimum such as Jack Dempsey , Oscars , severums, Texas cichlid, green terrors ect.. Since theyre peaceful yet curious they will display a mix of behaviors while in your tank. However, males and females can be difficult to tell apart, especially when theyre typically sold as juveniles in aquarium stores. Thats why ensure the aquarium fishes have a healthy habitat and constantly lookout for any signs of illness in the aquarium fish. These freshwater fish are not dwarf cichlids and cannot be kept in nano tank conditions! You are unlikely to find any other breed that is as breathtakingly beautiful and at the same time so easy to care for, which is why the andinoacara pulcher is the pride and joy of several aquarium hobbyists and aquarium owners. They are simple to look after and normally go about their business. They have also been documented in several other countries as nonnatives, but little documentation of their range exists. Again, some of the best species include Anubias, Java fern, and hornwort. With a compact and stocky build, the electric blue acara species typically grow to around 13 cm (5.1 in), but can reach up to approximately 16 cm (6.3 in). The typical size of a 75-gallon aquarium is 48 x 18 x 24. As always, its recommended to quarantine new fish for at least three weeks before adding them to a new system. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Ensure the substrate is not hard, or the fishes will cut or scrape themselves. For more information, please see our The electric blue jack dempsey is a freshwater fish that is native to Central America. Angelfish are schooling fishes that get along well with electric blue acara. Save. As a South American cichlid, the blue acara prefers softer and more acidic water parameters. In their natural environment, the fish are predatory, eating crustaceans, insects, and worms. The general rule for this is to make sure the total number of these fish is divisible by two. Free shipping for many products! Ich parasite lives in tank water, so quarantining individuals is ineffective. . In the aquarium hobby, the electric blue acara is a favorite cichlid to keep due to its bright coloration, hardiness, conforming temperament, and easy breeding. They are in a 75 gallon with 8 skirt tetras, 4 pictus cats, dwarf gourami and a super red pleco. Privacy Policy. The spiny rays on the backs of their fins work as a protection against otheraggressive fish, and the dorsal fin is often (but not always) pointed. One other fact about Balloon Molly fish is they are truly man-made and a result of selective breeding to have scoliosis. The water temperature needs to be between 73o and 79o Fahrenheit. Some great options for this are bloodworms, brine shrimp, small insects, and earthworms. The water temperature in the tank should be kept at a constant 72 to 85 Fahrenheit, with 75 to 76 Fahrenheit being optimal. Does anyone know if 1 electric blue acara would be ok in a 29 gallon tank with probably: 2 angelfish, 2-3 dwarf gouramis, 1 bristlnose pleco, a few panda Cory catfish OR a few black Kuhli loaches. Electric Blue Acaras are monogamous and are moderately easy to breed in the home tank. The first tank has two huge fancy goldfish who are almost ten years old and still looking as good as ever. Temperature and water quality are far more important to angels than the electric blue acara. Theyre also quite easy to care for. This is quite common but its worth being aware of. In the bodies of water Electric Blue Acara occupy, there are usually plants and vegetation floating on the surface. Set the water temperature to 75F (24C), the pH between 6.5 to 7.0, and the hardness between 3 to 12 dGH. This allows for ASD to promote items that are more effective to promote via Amazon versus selling on this site due to shipping costs, the vendor's choice to only carry through Amazon, or order minimums. Lower-grade acaras might even have patches of blue missing, revealing sections of black and grey. Floating plants are also a good choice, as they help to diffuse the lighting and provide shelter for fry. This species does appreciate the inclusion of live plants in the tank and uses vegetation for cover and shade. Tank Setup: Amazone biotope tank with plenty of leaf litter and wood. Thus, the faster you can improve the fishs position, the better. Quarantine affected fish; treat water with an antifungal remedy. That said, it's still essential that you maintain the water quality in the tank. With this in mind, it is a good idea to have a group of electric blue acara fish that gives them the freedom of choice, and when you know which pair to breed you can move them over to a 20-gallon breeding tank. However, as a digger, Acaras do tend to uproot plants, so I suggest using potted plants that are not easily dislodged. If you plan on keeping more than one, add an additional 15 gallons for every additional acara. The julii and sterbai are both typical gentle bumbling Cory's the sterbai being the bigger of the two. Add your decorations to the tank, rinsing them first to wash away any dust. A good, balanced captive diet should contain fresh red earthworms, bloodworms, and tubifex, supplemented with frozen foods, including bloodworms and brine shrimp. When you have multiple Electric Blues in the same tank its quite stunning to watch! They thrive in fast-moving currents, swimming for most of the day and resting among plants and other decorations at night. and our In this guide, well provide everything you need to know about keeping electric blue acaras healthy and happy. They are calm and go about their business at the bottom of the aquarium. Is this because of aggression? Cookie Notice So the total stocking would be 2 EBA's, 2 Regular Blue Acara and one L200. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Electric Blue Hap. Another vibrant tank partner for electric blue acara is the moga cichlid. Pairs of Acaras that are kept in optimum conditions may spawn several times every year. With the knowledge drops Ill offer today, you will be ready to embark on keeping these unique fish in your aquarium. Another symptom is difficulty breathing, which causes the fish to start breathing rapidly. Use antibiotics such as metronidazole, octozin, and others as the best treatment. They are rambunctious and may prey on electric blue acara if bored. In terms of their general behavior, youll definitely enjoy watching the Electric Blue Acara. The average size of Electric Blue Acara is somewhere between 6 and 7 inches in length. Their lifespan can be impacted by the usual factors that affect any fish. They rarely interact; therefore, you can keep them together in a smaller tank with other free-swimming fish. Or you landed on here because you had no idea what they are? Teach your children to maintain the fishs habitat if you have them. The pair will fiercely protect their fry for up to two weeks, and will be ready to breed again shortly after this time period. Electric Blue Acara Care. If possible, you must also eliminate the source of the issue. Wed love to know what you think, so please tell us in the comments box below. Due to their peculiar tendencies can cause some havoc in a community tank; however, this is rarely a major issue, and if the tank is large enough, they will keep to themselves. Then, the parent electric blues will deliver food to the fry, so small foods, like baby brine shrimp, should be supplemented. The blue andinoacara pulcher requires dense vegetation andplantsit can hide among, and it is a good idea to go with either potted plants or plants that float on the surface and try to give the tank that cozy feel that a cichlid typically enjoys. Start by gathering everything you need to set up your tank: 1. Combining the two species can result in a colorful and attractive community tank. Electric blue acaras are rarely aware that a bristlenose pleco is present in the tank, making it the best tank mate for all sizes of electric blue acaras. Because bristlenose grows so little, you can house them in smaller aquariums. However, gravel can frustrate the fish and even injure them. Dempsey should have 3-4 meals a day. You should stick to feeding a quality brand of fish food for your cichlid fish to stay healthy and live a long life. Theyre an extremely well-liked fish among aquarists and in recent years weve seen interest in them increase even more. There are many ways to set up a tank with the electric blue acara in mind. Blue Oscar Fish: They are the result of crossbreeding and will look similar to an Electric Blue Ram or Blue Acara. Read on to learn more about this active fish. The best numbers to shoot for are either two Electric Blue Acara with each other, or 6,8,10, etc. If youre looking for a cichlid-tank setup, then here are the best compatible cichlid species for your electric blue acara: Though they are labeled as semi-aggressive fish, electric blues can be both ends of the spectrum when needed. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. . Blue Acara (Aequidens pulcher) - Named for the blue coloration they develop in adulthood, blue acaras are unaggressive, but they do tend to dig. If you want to keep these two fish together, keep an eye on their behavior in the tank so you can see any fighting right away. #6. The electric blue acara is a freshwater species of cichlid. The male will quickly fertilize them once laid. The Electric Blue Acara is one of the most beautiful cichlid varieties of aquarium fish. The best electric blue acara tank will have a minimal design with open space that accents the natural colors and behaviors of the fish. Stress is extremely harmful to aquarium fish and is known to weaken the animals immune system. 7 Large Bodied Tetra. Angelfish. I would avoid the more aggressive cichlids and make the ACARAS the feature and ruler of the tank as they swim nicely and are very entertaining fish. To get the best breeding pair possible, many hobbyists purchase a small group of about 5 fish. Although these are one of the more peaceful cichlids, the Electric Blue Acara can be territorial and mildly belligerent, especially when spawning, so I recommend that you keep your specimens with other large cichlids. The best thing is to feed a balanced flake diet, with other live food and vegetables. It has orange, brown, black, and gray stripes on its body. It should be smaller than the normal tank size in order to encourage the mating process. In fact, some cultures cannot even "see" bluemeaning that they cannot easily differentiate it from green! In this care guide, well go over everything you need to know about this fish and how to ensure that it thrives in your tank. It is tall, with a 75-gallon footprint. I have 12 of various varieties in my 75 gallon aquarium and wanted some to enjoy in my 20 gallon. The problem is the tank dimension , normally a 55 gallon is very good option for cichlids because of its 48" in length. pH shock is rather easy to avoid; routine maintenance (water changes) is essential, like double-checking the water quality before putting them in your tank. After all, fish spend their days swimming around in a lovely tank while their owner feeds and cares for them.

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